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TV ratings for Grizzy And The Lemmings in Italy. Télé-Québec TV series

Grizzy And The Lemmings

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The forest ranger's house is the only area of human civilization in the middle of untamed wilderness in a vast natural reserve in Canada When the ranger is away, a bear named Grizzy feels that the ranger's house is his territory, given that bears sit at the top of the food chain more

How well is this TV series doing in Italy?

Last 30 days
Title position in demand distribution
Outstanding demand distribution

The Demand Distribution curve illustrates how a TV show’s popularity compares to the demand benchmark, which is a measure of the average demand across all titles. The curve is divided into performance buckets, ranging from “Below Average” to “Exceptional”. A show falls into one of these performance buckets depending on how many times more or less demand it has compared to the demand benchmark.

The show’s performance is market-specific, e.g. the same show can be in the “Average” range in the United States and in the “Good” range in France.

As an example, if a show has 9 times more demand than the demand benchmark, it falls in the “Outstanding” performance range; only 2.7% of all shows in the market reach this high level of demand.

Maximizing Content Acquisition and Programming Decisions with Demand Data: A Case Study of 'Grizzy And The Lemmings' in Italy

Parrot Analytics Insights - March 2024

As a TV executive looking at the data for "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in Italy, demand data can be used to make more informed content acquisition decisions, programming decisions, distribution decisions, and content valuation. The following questions can be answered by analyzing the demand data associated with this TV show.

Content Valuation:
- How much is "Grizzy And The Lemmings" worth to a platform in Italy?
- What is the baseline value of "Grizzy And The Lemmings"?
- How can we assess the value of exclusivity for "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in Italy?

Programming Decisions:
- What genre is performing well in Italy?
- How well is "Grizzy And The Lemmings" performing relative to other titles in Italy?
- How effective is the current marketing campaign around "Grizzy And The Lemmings"?
- What is the best release strategy for "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in Italy?

Acquisition and Distribution Decisions:
- What types of content have an opportunity to acquire or produce?
- Is "Grizzy And The Lemmings" a title that would be worth acquiring for an international or domestic market?
- Which platforms should target for distribution of "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in Italy?

Content Acquisition:
- How much is "Grizzy And The Lemmings" worth to another streaming platform in Italy?
- What type of content should we acquire or produce to support the global SVOD expansion of our platform?

By analyzing the demand data associated with "Grizzy And The Lemmings," we can make more informed decisions regarding the valuation, programming, acquisition, and distribution of TV shows in Italy.
Looking at the data, "Grizzy And The Lemmings" has good audience demand in Italy, with 4.3 times the audience demand of the average show in Italy. It also has high demand in its home market, Canada, as well as other countries like France, the Netherlands, the United States, Germany, Poland, Romania, and Belgium. Therefore, acquiring "Grizzy And The Lemmings" could potentially be a lucrative decision for a platform to make.

Furthermore, the show's demand is high in the family genre, which shows that family-friendly content could potentially be popular in Italy. With this information, the acquisition team could search for more family-friendly content that could perform well in Italy.

Programming decisions can also be made by analyzing the demand data for "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in Italy. For example, the show's demand in Italy has decreased recently and the show dropped by 32 spots in its rank during March of 2024, indicating that the team may want to consider changing their marketing strategy. The demand also spiked for "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in mid-March 2024, which could indicate a potential opportunity for marketing campaigns to capitalize on. This information shows that programming decisions have an impact on a show's audience demand.

Lastly, analyzing the demand data can help determine the content's valuation. In this situation, the high demand for "Grizzy And The Lemmings" in Italy can indicate that the show has high value. Platforms can use demand data to estimate the value of a title, assess the title's ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn, and calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) a specific title will bring for any given platform.

In conclusion, analyzing the demand data can help TV executives make more informed content, programming, acquisition, and distribution decisions. Valuable insights from demand data can help assess a show's popularity, evaluate the competition, and determine its value, making it an essential investment for TV companies in Italy or other global regions.

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More news about Grizzy And The Lemmings:

How fast is demand for Grizzy And The Lemmings growing?

Last 30 days
-19.8% Change in demand
On a rolling 30-day average basis, we compare TV demand in Italy for Grizzy And The Lemmings to the preceding 30 days: Demand has decreased by -19.8%

Animation performance

Last 30 days
97.9% Percentile rank
Grizzy And The Lemmings ranks at the 97.9th percentile in the Animation genre. This means Grizzy And The Lemmings has higher demand than 97.9% of all Animation titles in Italy
Title position in Animation

How well is this TV series doing globally vs. its home market?

Last 30 days
77% Travelability to Italy

Grizzy And The Lemmings's travelability to Italy in the last 30 days is 77%, which means that the audience demand for Grizzy And The Lemmings is 77% of the demand in its country of origin, Canada. Click through to another market to discover how well Grizzy And The Lemmings travels internationally.

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Capture more value from content opportunities in Italy as well as globally. Contact us now to leverage audience profiling, market-based insights, talent scoring and genre clustering to de-risk production investments. Discover new business opportunities in the Animation genre and assess the strengths and weakness of the competition’s content e.g. Télé-Québec, leading to increased commercial efficiency and ROI.

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    Promote and market cast with confidence leading to increased prestige and industry impact.

Support casting decisions with empirical market data for Italy. Contact us now to reveal hidden talent insights, through a combination of affinity and trait analysis, encompassing both global and market-based factors to determine who is truly worth an investment. Discover new business opportunities and assess the strengths and weakness of the competition’s offerings including specific titles such as Grizzy And The Lemmings.

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    Explore markets using audience demand data to discover lucrative new sales opportunities.
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    Decrease production risks by combining content genome insights with demand data.
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    Increase the likelihood of a successful series and create content that is highly in-demand.

Produce with confidence whilst mitigating downside risks. Contact us now to decrease production risks by combining content genome insights with demand data to increase the likelihood of a successful series: Gain deep insights into character, talent, setting, plot, theme and genre preferences, including Animation. Using audience demand data, explore markets such as Italy to discover lucrative new sales opportunities whilst evaluating the expected ROI for new series acquisitions such as Grizzy And The Lemmings from partners like Télé-Québec.

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Fuse art with science for the next global hit

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    Create successful original productions with deep insights into character, talent, setting, plot, theme and genre preferences.
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    Deploy high impact marketing campaigns for pre-release titles.
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    Project risk and return based on market demand factors.
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    Decrease investment risks with content genome insights.
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    Easily prioritize markets for expansion and align strategy with the maturity level of every market.

Studios in Italy are now empowered to fuse art with science for the next global hit. Contact us to gain deep insights into target audiences’ character, talent, setting, plot, theme and genre preferences (e.g. Animation) - for both local and global content. Find the best performing concepts with demand-driven concept testing and development. Apply talent demand to gain a holistic view of future content performance, pre-development.

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    Acquire the best shows with the highest expected ROI by leveraging global TV demand data.
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    Explore markets using audience demand data to discover lucrative new sales opportunities.
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    Lead commercial negotiations with confidence by understanding what content audiences are demanding in any market.
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    Better understand competitors’ moves by analyzing content on a title, franchise, portfolio, or platform basis.

Are you seeking distribution for Grizzy And The Lemmings? Lead global content negotiations with authority. Contact us now to discover if you should prioritize markets such as Italy, based on country-specific audience demand - including territories where commercial rights have not yet been granted. Apply a demand-based framework to negotiations with potential distribution partners such as Télé-Québec to maximize the deal value. Assess the strengths and weakness of the competition’s content, leading to increased commercial efficiency and ROI.

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Maximize advertising revenues from new audiences

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    Create successful original productions with deep insights into character, talent, setting, plot, theme and genre preferences.
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    Harnesses audience demand datasets to gain programming insights that maximize ad sales.
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    Acquire the best shows with the highest expected ROI by leveraging global TV demand data.
  • People-Diverse Created with Sketch.
    Target content to the individuality of your audience segments with demand-based content taste clusters.
  • Target Created with Sketch.
    Deploy high impact marketing campaigns for pre-release titles.

Maximize advertising revenues from new audiences in Italy. Contact us now to leverage a return-focused selection criteria for title acquisition from Télé-Québec by incorporating country-specific trend and market demand factors. Appeal to audience interests using demand-driven advertising and personalize campaigns to capitalize on pre-release demand for specific titles such as Grizzy And The Lemmings. Access audience taste clusters weeks ahead of a premiere, resulting in high impact campaigns for titles that have not even been released.

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Acquire the best shows to fortify your competitive position

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    Maximize subscriber renewals by applying new programming insights gained from understanding market demand.
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    Acquire the best shows with the highest expected ROI by leveraging global TV demand data.
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    Target content to the individuality of your audience segments with demand-based content taste clusters.
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    Deploy high impact marketing campaigns for pre-release titles.
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    Uncover which sports are most in demand and reveal audience and brand affinity for advertising, marketing and promotion opportunities.

Acquire the best shows from partners such as Télé-Québec to fortify your competitive position in Italy. Contact us now to access audience taste clusters weeks ahead of a premiere, resulting in high impact campaigns for titles (e.g. Grizzy And The Lemmings), including those that have not even been released. Leverage a return-focused selection criteria for title acquisition by incorporating country-specific trend and market demand factors.

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Command your niche with maximum net subscriber adds

  • Money Created with Sketch.
    Create successful original productions with deep insights into character, talent, setting, plot, theme and genre preferences.
  • Money-Hand Created with Sketch.
    Maximize subscriber renewals by applying new programming insights gained from understanding market demand.
  • People-Diverse Created with Sketch.
    Acquire the best shows with the highest expected platform ROI by leveraging global TV demand data.
  • Target Created with Sketch.
    Target content to the individuality of your audience segments with demand-based content taste clusters.
  • Document-Star Created with Sketch.
    Deploy high impact marketing campaigns for pre-release titles.

Command your Animation genre niche with maximum net subscriber adds. Contact us now to harnesses audience demand data to gain insights for growing and keeping a subscriber base. Leverage a return-focused selection criteria for title acquisition from partners such as Télé-Québec by incorporating country-specific trend and market demand factors for all markets including Italy. Appeal to the individuality of your audience base, taking into consideration the unique and limitless characteristics of taste clusters.

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Deploy high impact entertainment marketing strategies

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    Improve marketing effectiveness and efficiency by activating precise audiences for all content brands.
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    Deploy high impact marketing campaigns for pre-release titles.
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    Better understand competitors’ moves by analyzing content on a title, franchise, portfolio, or platform basis.
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    Inform strategy formulation with empirical content metrics.
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    Qualify the right audience for your campaigns with confidence.

Deploy high impact entertainment marketing strategies across all genres including Animation. Contact us now to deploy demand-driven marketing, the only empirical earned media measure of your marketing spend. Access audience taste clusters weeks ahead of a premiere, resulting in high impact campaigns for titles such as Grizzy And The Lemmings, including those that have not even been released. Appeal to your target markets, including Italy, based on audience interests, enabling the personalization of campaigns to capitalize on pre-release demand.

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How popular is Grizzy And The Lemmings around the world?

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Global TV content analytics for the attention economy

Parrot Analytics is the leading global content demand analytics company for the multi-platform business of television. With the world’s largest TV audience demand dataset, the company currently tracks more than 1.5B daily expressions of demand in 100 languages, not only in Italy, but also in 100+ other markets around the world to reveal the television content that consumers watch (viewership) and give their attention to the most.

Parrot Analytics' television demand data highlights the global TV content monetization opportunities for Télé-Québec and thousands of TV studios, linear networks, broadcasters, pay TV providers and OTT / SVOD platforms.

Unlike TV ratings, our DemandRank TV rating system ensures that important demand signals are weighted more heavily than others: The more consumer effort required; the more importance is attached to each signal. Once all the signals are weighted and combined, the audience demand for Grizzy And The Lemmings, for example, can be assessed for a market e.g. Italy, which can then be benchmarked against genre averages (e.g. Animated Sitcom), using our globally standardized Demand Expressions® metric.

This page has been altered on April 22, 2024, 2:02 p.m. PST using global television demand metrics from Parrot Analytics for Grizzy And The Lemmings in Italy. We provide our partners with smart subscription-video-on-demand expertise to help them drive better and more informed content marketing strategies. Contact us today to find out more.