
Maximizing ROI with Demand Data: How to Make Better Content, Acquisition, Distribution and Programming Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

Are you an entertainment industry executive looking to make your next content, acquisition, distribution, or programming decision? Then you should be incorporating demand data into your decision-making process. Let's take "Emily In Paris" as an example.

Firstly, let's examine how demand data can be used in content valuation. Parrot Analytics' content valuation system uses global demand data to determine the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. Demand data reveals the worth of your series and helps you to determine how much to invest, spend, or acquire it for. Taking into account "Emily In Paris'" demand performance for the past 30 and 90 days in Brazil, it showed 3.7 times and 2.9 times the average show in Brazil, respectively. This high level of demand indicates that this popular series has significant content value.

Demand data can also inform content, acquisition, and programming decisions. An equally important factor is measuring the audience's interest over time - which is where the longevity dimension comes into play. For "Emily In Paris," the longevity dimension is outstanding, indicating that the audience's demand has been maintained over time.

Moreover, analysts can evaluate the demand performance of "Emily In Paris" in Brazil vs. other markets. This insight will help companies make informed acquisition and distribution decisions and better assess the franchise potential of the series. Top-performing markets such as Russia, Bulgaria, Portugal, Germany, and Slovenia can be targeted to promote and launch the TV series successfully.

Demand data can also provide insight into factors that promote audience engagement, satisfaction, and churn. Parrot Analytics' demand data has revealed that the fans of "Emily In Paris" also enjoy shows like "Black Mirror," "The Walking Dead," "The Witcher" and "Killing Eve." These insights can be applied to programming and marketing decisions and should be considered when creating and promoting new programming.

Furthermore, the demand data can help ensure content's optimal release strategy and pricing. A careful analysis of the series' demand patterns, momentum, and travelability factors can help Under the merit of "Emily In Paris," its global audience demand across all platforms and travelability is outstanding. Besides, its momentum, pace of growth, is good. An understanding of these momentum and travelability patterns can help optimize pricing strategies and provide greater return on investment in content.

Finally, demand data can provide insights to aid talent agencies in their client targeting. Parrot Analytics' demand data can show who the most talented actors are within a show, what brand the company should partner with to expand the audience and which TV shows can help to attract or retain subscribers.

In conclusion, industry leaders must recognize the power of demand data as they make business-critical decisions for their organization. The entertainment industry is always evolving, so incorporating data-driven insights into strategic decisions can improve the bottom line and maximize ROI. The demand insights available provide an unprecedented opportunity for entertainment executives to optimize their acquisition, content, programming and distribution strategies.

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