
Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: A Guide for Entertainment Executives Using 'Good Trouble' as a Case Study

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

As an entertainment executive, using demand data, such as the data available for "Good Trouble," can help you make more informed content decisions. The following are some critical questions answered by demand data analysis that can guide executives in their business decisions:

1. How popular is the show, and what is the current level of demand?
The demand for "Good Trouble" in Brazil over the past 30 days is 2.9 times greater than the average show, indicating good performance. This information can help executives decide whether to renew the show for another season or invest more money in its production.

2. Is the show capable of maintaining a sustainable demand over time (Longevity)?
As per demand data, "Good Trouble" has outstanding longevity, indicating that audience demand is maintained over an extended period. With 83 episodes over five seasons, the show has demonstrated longevity and the ability to retain and attract viewers, which can provide executives with insights and signposts to plan content acquisition or production decisions.

3. What is the show's position in the market, and how does it compare with similar shows?
"Good Trouble" is positioned in the 97.3th percentile in the romance genre in Brazil, making it more popular than 97.3% of all romance genres in Brazil. Information like this can help executives make informed programming decisions about the show or decide to promote it to a specific audience segment.

4. What is the show's level of demand in different markets?
The analysis of the show's global performance, as conducted by Parrot Analytics, has shown that "Good Trouble" outperforms the demand of the average TV show in each of the top 10 global markets where it is most in-demand. As an executive, this information can provide insights into regions with untapped demand experiences and decide to prioritize promotional spending or distribution in specific geographies.

5. Can the show be franchised as a spin-off or used for other purposes?
According to the analysis, "Good Trouble" has a good franchisability, indicating that it has potential for adaptation or creation of spin-offs. This information can be valuable to executives who want to tap additional revenue streams from extended IP in different territories and platforms.

Using demand data to inform decision-making can help take the guesswork out of content investment choices. By understanding the popularity of the show, how demand is maintained, and how it performs globally can enable executives to make informed content and programming decisions. With insights into audience engagement and market trends, executives can plan for success by making evidence-based decisions rather than relying on a hunch or a gut feeling.

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