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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As a TV executive, you can use demand data provided by Parrot Analytics to make more informed decisions on content, acquisition, distribution, and programming for your platform. The demand data supply a wealth of information that highlight the audience's interest in certain titles, such as "Will & Grace".

Content valuation is a crucial part of understanding how much to invest in a title, and demand data reveals the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. Using demand data, you can estimate the baseline value of a title and its ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. For "Will & Grace," the show's popularity indicates a positive content valuation, as the audience demand increased by 5.2% in Canada over the last month.

Demand data also helps with subscriber acquisition and retention. For example, you can find out which titles would keep your current audience happy and which shows would attract new subscribers to your platform. The Parrot Pulse provides an independent measure of a show's global performance across six dimensions, including travelability, longevity, momentum, franchisability, and reach, which can be leveraged to understand the overall audience demand for a show like "Will & Grace."

Another way to use demand data is to inform decisions concerning supply and demand. "Will & Grace" has a demand that is 7.3 times the audience demand of the average show in Canada over the last 30 days, compared to its demand of 6.1 times the average over the last 90 days. This shows an overall increase in popularity, which can be used to predict future viewer trends and make informed investment decisions.

You can use the demand data to understand what genres or creative elements viewers enjoy the most and consequently offer similar content that will attract and retain your audience. The demand spike in early October 2023 for "Will & Grace" in Canada can be linked to various factors that could teach you what strategies work best in marketing campaigns around a show.

If you're working for a TV network or production company, demand data enables you to assess the value of exclusivity for titles that appear on multiple services. You can use the information to ensure that your content is seen by the right audience, and optimize your release strategy and pricing. Leveraging the audience's demand for a show is crucial in making informed decisions about which countries or platforms to target for content distribution.

Lastly, demand data can provide insight into other critical decisions, such as franchisability and viewer engagement. For instance, you can explore the potential of developing "Will & Grace" into a franchise or creating spin-offs based on the data. Information on what other shows fans of "Will & Grace" like, as mentioned in the data, can also help identify the best talent, brand partnerships or acquisitions are recommended to expand the audience.

In conclusion, demand data is crucial in making informed decisions related to content, acquisition, distribution, and programming in the entertainment industry. Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, powered by global content demand and supply, enables you to determine how much to spend on content, quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution, and assess a TV series's ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. As an executive, understanding the audience's taste clusters, quantifying the reach of a specific title, and assessing the viability of the title in different markets are essential in making profitable business decisions related to entertainment. Using demand data to inform these decisions is key in whether or not to continue investing in a current production or a spinner show-off of an existing series.

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