
Decoding Viewer Demand: Utilizing 'Deadwood' Analysis to Make Informed Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an entertainment executive, analyzing the demand data for a TV show like "Deadwood" can enable you to make more informed content decisions. Firstly, understanding audience demand in different markets helps content makers know the regions where their shows are performing well, which informs distribution decisions. For example, with an audience demand that is 28% of the United States' demand, if you are a distributor, you may focus on expanding the distribution of "Deadwood" in Germany, where it is already popular.

Secondly, demand data can be useful when making programming decisions. For instance, examining the top 10 global markets where "Deadwood" is most in-demand can help executives pick out regions with high potential for growth. Therefore, it can assist them in developing an effective programming strategy. Additionally, analyzing viewer affinity for related shows, like "Downton Abbey," "The Wire" and "Line of Duty," can enable content makers know what works for the audience and make informed acquisition decisions.

Thirdly, content valuation can also be informed by demand data. Using demand data, you can quantify a show's marginal revenue contribution to your platform and understand its ability to attract or retain subscribers. Additionally, you can use demand data to assess the value of exclusivity and estimate cannibalization of audiences if a title is available on multiple services.

Fourthly, demand data provides insights to help you optimize your release strategy, set a realistic value for the show, and target the right platforms for distribution. By examining the momentum and longevity of a title, you can accurately predict its future performance and make informed decisions on its release strategy and pricing.

Lastly, understanding demand data can help with subscriber acquisition and retention. Executives can determine which titles to invest in, optimize their marketing campaigns ahead of a premiere, and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns to retain subscribers.

In conclusion, analyzing demand data is a crucial aspect of making more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. With the help of robust demand data analytics, entertainment executives can leverage shows like "Deadwood" and distill critical insights into their viewers' preferences, TV-watching patterns to make smarter moves in a dynamic and competitive industry.

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