
Using Demand Data to Make Informed Content Decisions: A Case Study of Death in Paradise in December 2023 in Germany

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an entertainment executive, you have to consider many variables when making content and acquisition decisions. In this article, we will show how Parrot Analytics' demand data and content metrics can help you make more informed decisions for Death In Paradise, a popular British TV series in December 2023 in Germany.

One question you may ask when deciding on acquiring content is, "How popular is my show relative to the market average?" In the case of Death In Paradise, our demand data tells us that this title has 4.8 times the audience demand of the average show in Germany over the last 30 days. This result shows that demand for Death In Paradise is good, and only 8.6% of all shows have reached this level of demand. Also, since the series has decreased in demand by 17.7% over the course of December, this signals that its popularity has dropped.

Another question you might ask is, "What genres should we focus on to attract new subscribers to our SVOD service?" With our metrics, we can potentially help you answer that question, as well. Death In Paradise is classified as a comedy and ranks in the 97.7th percentile in Germany's comedy genre. Meaning this show has higher demand than 97.7% of all comedies in the country. You can use this valuable information to identify which genres you should create more content in when seeking to gain new subscribers.

If you're wondering how to determine whether or not a show's declining popularity is a sign of losing its value for acquisition, "how can you assess a TV series' ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn?" using Parrot Analytics content valuation system, content valuation uses demand data to determine the value of any title to any platform in any region. Our system can help you in many ways, such as to estimate cannibalization of audiences if a title is available on multiple platforms and to assess the value of exclusivity. With Death In Paradise, you are shown that the demand for the series was relatively high but has decreased steadily over the course of December 2023. Therefore, you’ll have to consider whether this trend will persist in the future or it's just a one-time occurrence.

Another question an entertainment executive may ask is, "Where in the world is my show in-demand?" Parrot Analytics' demand data for Death In Paradise in December 2023 shows that its number one market globally is the United Kingdom, followed by Australia, where demand is outstanding. Death In Paradise has outstanding audience demand in Spain, while the United States, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Bulgaria, and Germany have good demand for the show. Understanding where a show is in-demand can help you decide whether to sell rights of a show to a specific market, or, whether to license more content in regions where the demand is high.

Lastly, a content executive may ask, "Does this title have a dedicated but small fandom or does it appeal to a wide group of people?" This is where our reach data comes in. The reach of Death In Paradise is considered good, which means that it appeals to a broader audience group. As such, when considering a show's potential acquisition, the reach and the target audience must be carefully considered, as it could determine whether the content appeals to the target audience effectively.

In conclusion, Parrot Analytics' demand data can be used to help entertainment executives make more informed content decisions. In the case of Death In Paradise, our demand data has shown that the show's rapidly falling demand in December 2023 indicates decreased popularity. It may help in strategizing the budget allocation by showing which genres have the most demand. Understanding the show's popularity in different areas and markets will help executives with acquisition and distribution rights. By leveraging Parrot Analytics demand data, entertainment executives can make smarter and better-informed content decisions.

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