
Driving revenue through smart content investments: How demand data can inform intelligent content decisions for TV executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As a TV executive, content valuation is one of the most critical factors that should always be considered when making decisions regarding content production, acquisition, and distribution. Demand data collected by Parrot Analytics can provide a more informed content decision-making process. By analyzing the performance of "Key & Peele" in Germany in January 2024 using the above information, here are some insights on how demand data can be used to make sound content decisions:

1. Content Valuation: Based on the demand data, "Key & Peele" is worth more than the average show in Germany, with a 13.2 times higher audience demand than the average TV show. Parrot Analytics' content valuation system utilizes demand data to reveal the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. Demand data can help TV executives determine how much to spend on content and estimate the baseline value of a title.

2. Programming Decisions: "Key & Peele" moved up by 26 spots during January in Germany, which signals an increase in popularity. Using demand data, executives can analyze the momentum of a TV show to determine if it is worth investing in. Demand data also answers the question for TV production companies and OTT platforms about what type of content they should produce or acquire.

3. Audience Engagement: Demand data can reveal which TV shows resonate the most with audiences, and what fans of "Key & Peele" also like. TV executives can use this information to make content and programming decisions to optimize audience engagement and increase audience retention.

4. Travelability: The demand for "Key & Peele" in Germany is 54% compared to the US. Parrot Analytics' travelability metric quantifies a show's international demand relative to its home market. This information can help TV executives to determine which market(s) they should target for content distribution.

5. Distribution: Using demand data can help TV executives determine the best release strategy and pricing model for new titles. Demand data can also inform the platform and network fit for a specific title. For instance, determining which platforms are suitable for distributing "Key & Peele" will be critical for maximizing its global appeal.

In summary, demand data is a critical tool that can be used to make more informed content decisions for TV executives across various media-related industries. By analyzing performance metrics such as fresh faces Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele in "Key & Peele," studying audience engagement and travelability, executives can leverage demand data to make the best decisions about content production, distribution, and acquisition, driving up revenue through smart content investments.

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