
Unleashing the Power of Demand: How Shining Vale Shows TV Executives the Value of Utilizing Demand Data

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

If you are a TV executive, you may be interested in understanding how demand data can be used to make more informed content decisions. The case of "Shining Vale" can be an example of how utilizing demand data can lead to better acquisition decisions. By examining the audience demand data for "Shining Vale," you can gain insights into the success of the show in Germany, its position in the drama genre's hierarchy, and how it is performing on the global stage.

A key question you may have about the show is how much it is worth. Demand data can be used to assess a TV series' ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. You can calculate the ROI for a specific title as well as the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution using demand data. By quantifying these metrics, you can gain a clearer understanding of the value that a show like "Shining Vale" brings to any given platform in any region.

Another way to utilize demand data is to assess a TV series' performance as an acquisition-driving or churn-reducing title. For instance, "Shining Vale" ranked at the 98.6th percentile in the drama genre in Germany in December, and it had 7.0 times the audience demand of the average show in Germany over the same period. Moreover, similar shows like "What We Do In The Shadows," "Fear The Walking Dead," and "Loki" were all well-liked by "Shining Vale" fans, providing insights into further acquisition possibilities.

Additionally, by analyzing the top 10 global markets where "Shining Vale" is most in-demand, we find that this TV series outperforms the demand of the average TV show in each of these markets, indicating high potential for global expansion. Furthermore, demand analytics can help you understand "Shining Vale's" travelability, providing insights into the content that has international demand.

Finally, for TV executives, demand analytics can help answer questions about a show's marketing and release strategy, how it should be released, and whether it has the potential to create spin-offs. In the case of "Shining Vale," demand analytics can demonstrate its growth momentum over time, the potential to monetize its IP through spin-offs, and the high ranking of its home market, the United States.

In conclusion, demand data is critical in helping TV content decision-makers make informed decisions about whether to acquire or distribute a TV series. Understanding demand provides insights into a series' value, its potential to drive subscriptions, and its ability to reduce churn. Analyzing the performance of a series like "Shining Vale" on a global scale can provide valuable insights into unique programming possibilities, travelability to new markets, and franchisability.

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