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Parrot Analytics Insights - March 2024

As a TV executive, there are multiple insights that can be derived from this analysis of "The Boulet Brothers' Dragula" for the month of March 2024 in Germany. These insights can help in making more informed content, acquisition, distribution, or programming decisions.

Firstly, knowing that the show has demand 5.3 times higher than the average show in Germany over the last 30 days and demand has been increasing recently can be used to calculate the show's value for a streaming platform or a TV production company through content valuation. The demand data shows the popularity of the show and its ability to attract a larger audience, thereby driving engagement and helping to retain subscribers. These insights can be used to determine how much to spend on the content, how it can be marketed effectively, and how a title drives engagement across the rest of the catalog.

Secondly, the audience demand data can be used by a content distributor to make more informed acquisition decisions. For instance, you can use the information disclosed about the show's travelability to assess how appealing the show is in international markets compared to domestic demand. Given the travelability of "The Boulet Brothers' Dragula" is only okay, the implication is that it is not as appealing to audiences beyond the US.

Thirdly, the fact that this show ranks highly compared to other reality shows in Germany and has a global following can be leveraged to make more informed programming decisions. As an example, networks can observe that the show has a dedicated fan base and tailor their programming schedule to include more content that is appealing to this audience.

Fourthly, content creators use audience demand data to test concepts and optimize their upcoming productions for success. The insights for this show regarding what other shows the audience enjoys provide an idea of their preferences, and content creators can use this information to understand what works with their audience and try to incorporate similar elements into their show.

Lastly, using valuable information such as peak demand, longevity, momentum, and reach, talent agencies and studios can sell the show to potential platforms/networks in different regions. By knowing the market where the show is in high demand, agents can identify regions for potential licensing and syndication deals.

Inclusively, demand data provides actionable insights for various managerial decisions and strategic planning by helping executives make informed decisions that can deliver a better return on investment. The analysis of "The Boulet Brothers' Dragula" for the month of March 2024 in Germany is an example of how critical data insights can be used to make defining and meaningful decisions in the entertainment industry.

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