
Maximizing ROI: How Understanding Demand Data Can Help Entertainment Executives Make Informed Decisions About Content Planning, Acquisition, and Distribution Strategies: Insights from the Demand Analysis of 'Azur Lane'

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an entertainment executive, understanding the demand for certain shows like "Azur Lane" is critical to make informed content decisions. Firstly, Parrot Analytics' content valuation system can help a TV production company or OTT platform to determine how much to spend on content. The content valuation system is based on demand data, revealing the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. Demand is a crucial factor in content valuation; for example, the demand for "Azur Lane" has been steadily increasing recent months in Spain, indicating its potential value to that region's audience.

Demand data can also help in determining the best acquisition strategy. For example, with almost 5.1 times the audience demand of the average show in Spain over the last 30 days and ranking at the 98.2th percentile in the drama genre, "Azur Lane" is an excellent acquisition candidate for a Spanish OTT platform. Additionally, assessing the performance of a show across different countries allows distributors to understand what type of content performs best in specific regions and target buyers accordingly. For example, in the last 30 days, "Azur Lane" shows 186% audience demand in Spain compared to its home country Japan, indicating its potential success in the Spanish market.

Additionally, understanding demand data can help executives in programming decisions. For instance, executives can use demand insights to identify potentially under-monetized titles or genres. In the case of "Azur Lane," the show outperformed the demand of the average TV show in most of the countries where it was aired, including the United States, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, Singapore, Sweden, Philippines, and Poland. This level of performance indicates the potential to develop spinoffs or franchises, increasing the show's overall value.

Lastly, Parrot Analytics seeks to provide executives with travelability, momentum, franchisability, longevity, and reach metrics. These data points allow for effective content planning and distribution strategies for "Azur Lane" and other shows. Understanding audience engagement through demand data can help with effective marketing campaigns, boost subscriber retention and acquisition, make optimal release strategies, and pre-release marketing.

In conclusion, by examining demand, entertainment executives can gain insights into analytics that will guide them in making more informed decisions concerning content, acquisition, and distribution strategies that maximize ROI. "Azur Lane" provides an excellent example of how using demand data can translate into valuable insights for content planning and decision making.

More news about Azur Lane (アズールレーン):