
Maximizing Returns: How Demand Data Can Help Entertainment Executives Make Better Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

If you are a TV executive in charge of content acquisition, distribution, or programming at a streaming service or network, Parrot Analytics' demand data on a show like "Preacher" can provide you with valuable insights into its popularity and potential value to your platform.

Content Valuation:
- Using demand data, how can you determine the value of a title like "Preacher"? By leveraging Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, you can reveal its dollar value contribution to your platform and estimate the ROI that "Preacher" can bring for your specific organization.

Demand informs Programming and Distribution:
- How popular is "Preacher" in Spain compared to other shows of similar nature? According to Parrot Analytics demand data over the last 30 days, "Preacher" has 2.2 times the audience demand of the average show in Spain. Despite slightly decreasing in rank since the start of February, its demand outperforms most other comedy shows in Spain, as it ranks in the 96th percentile of the comedy genre. Furthermore, by examining the top 10 global markets where "Preacher" is most in-demand, you will get valuable insights on its performance outside its home market, including its high demand in the US, China, and other markets. This information can help you decide how to promote and distribute the show most effectively on your platform.

Demand informs Content Acquisition:
- Content acquisition executives at a service can use Parrot Analytics' demand data on "Preacher" to make more informed decisions on whether to acquire the licensing rights for the show. Their decision can be made by utilizing Parrot Analytics content valuation system. This decision may depend on various factors such as the size of the audience that the show can attract, its past popularity, and its popularity across relevant niches in the market. Additionally, executives can use this data to compare "Preacher" to other shows in the same genre or series like the Marvel series or other cult classic adaptations.

Momentum, Longevity & Franchisability:
- Parrot Analytics' measures the momentum of demand growth, longevity, and franchisability of a show. The momentum of "Preacher" is classified as outstanding, the longevity of audience demand for "Preacher" is also outstanding, and its franchisability or potential for spin-offs is good. This data indicates that "Preacher" is a show that is likely to sustain high demand on your platform over time, making it a valuable investment for your company.

- According to Parrot Analytics' Travelability metric, "Preacher" has good international demand, meaning it has potential for success in other markets outside of its home market. That said, executive's decision to acquire a license to "Preacher" should be informed based on the target location or department who would handle distribution. The team handling distribution should use Parrot's travelability metric to determine if the movie would travel well in their region.

Although "Preacher" has completed its run, network or BD executives, studio or TV series financing companies may still want to consider how it compares to other shows in its genre, how it stood up against market average, and whether the fact it has higher demand than 96.0% of all comedy titles in Spain speaks to particular niches (older audiences, cult classic fans, lovers of specific humor styles, etc.) that could be underrepresented in current programming.

In conclusion, Parrot Analytics' demand data provides executives with valuable insights to help them make informed content acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. Understanding audience demand for a show like "Preacher" can inform its value to your company, help maximize its exposure and reach on your platform while connecting you to those subscribers who have a strong affinity towards the show.

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