
Using Demand Data to Inform Your Content and Programming Decisions: A Case Study of 'The Mentalist'

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an entertainment executive, you can leverage demand data to inform your content and programming decisions. For instance, you can use demand data to gauge how well a title will perform on your platform and how much it is worth. With "The Mentalist" as an example, we can assess how demand information can be used to arrive at informed decisions.

One critical area where demand data can help is content valuation. With Parrot Analytics, you can estimate the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. For example, given that "The Mentalist" has 11.9 times the audience demand of an average show in France over the last 30 days, it has an outstanding demand. Comparing its demand of 10.9 times the average over the last 90 days, we can infer that its recent popularity has been increasing. Thus, if you are an executive deciding on acquiring or distributing content, you would appreciate its value as well as its popularity trend.

You can also use demand data to uncover emerging market opportunities for content distribution. For instance, if you determine that "The Mentalist" has outstanding demand in Brazil or Spain, you can use this data to target these regions to distribute content with high demand. You can also evaluate how to market and price your content depending on the demand levels. Moreover, you can optimize your release strategy by examining when demand spikes and how well the show will travel to other markets.

Demand data can also inform your programming decisions by analyzing the taste clusters and affinities that viewers have for a title and genre. For instance, since fans of "The Mentalist" also like "Foundation," "The Mandalorian," "The Blacklist," and other shows, executives can use this information to determine if they should prioritize these shows as well.

Finally, executives can use demand data to analyze their marketing campaigns and identify potential trends. With "The Mentalist," we can determine that demand spiked in France in late December 2023, indicating that there may have been a successful marketing push related to the show. Understanding trends like these can help decision-makers assess how much marketing spend is required to maintain a title's demand or how well a show is faring compared to others.

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