
Making Informed Content Decisions: Analyzing Outlander's Performance in India Using Demand Data

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

Demand data is crucial in helping TV executives make informed decisions on content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming, among others. One excellent example of how demand data helps to inform these decisions is by analyzing the performance of "Outlander" in India in January 2024.

Firstly, content valuation uses demand data to provide answers to questions such as how much is a series worth, what is the baseline value of a title, how much of the series' value is driven by the demand for one of its stars, and what is the series' ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. "Outlander" registered 5.0 times the audience demand of the average show in India over the last 30 days, indicating its high value to the platform. By comparing its demand to the title average over the past 90 days, we can identify an increasing demand trend that suggests it is worth more and is suitable for retention or acquisition.

Secondly, demand data powers content valuation by giving executives the ability to quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution of a title, assess its ability to drive engagement across the rest of the catalog, and calculate its ROI for any given platform. Additionally, demand data can inform TV executives on supply and demand by identifying the opportunity for the acquisition or production of a specific title.

Thirdly, the demand allows executives to answer questions surrounding subscriber acquisition and retention. By analyzing what titles resonate most with their current audience through the taste clusters and what titles they would enjoy, they can identify emerging trends and tailor their programming accordingly. For "Outlander," we noted that its momentum, the pace of growth, is exceptional, and its longevity, how well audience demand is maintained over time, is significant, indicating that it can drive the subscriptions of its audience.

Fourthly, demand data can inform optimal release strategies and pricing decisions. It can help determine what release strategy works best for a given title, allowing it to attract new subscribers to the platform.

Finally, analyzing global demand for "Outlander" can provide insights into which markets a title is most popular in, which genres they prefer, and how it could perform if it were to travel abroad. For instance, in India, "Outlander" achieved its peak rank of #182 in January, indicating that it had a strong performance. As such, it is essential to extend its reach to other countries worldwide.

In summary, demand data provides TV executives with valuable insights that can help them make informed decisions that ultimately lead to the success of their platforms. With its exceptional audience demand across all platforms globally, "Outlander" is an excellent example of how demand data can inform content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions and help executives make data-driven decisions.

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