
The Crown: How Audience Demand Data Can Help You Make Informed Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

As you consider your content strategy, understanding audience demand data can provide valuable insights to help you make informed content decisions. In the case of "The Crown", Parrot Analytics offers information that can help you make acquisition, distribution and programming decisions in India and around the world.

In terms of content valuation, "The Crown" has an audience demand that is 5.5 times the average show in India over the last 30 days. Although demand has been decreasing over the last 90 days, it still has a good demand compared to 8.6% of all TV shows. Based on the demand data, we can quantify the marginal revenue contribution of "The Crown" to any platform, and you can assess its ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn.

Additionally, the demand data can help you understand which platforms you should target for distribution of "The Crown". Knowing that it has outstanding travelability, or international demand relative to its home market, it may be wise to target platforms in countries where it has already shown outstanding audience demand, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, Canada, France, Netherlands, Ukraine, China and Bulgaria.

Examining the metadata of "The Crown", we see that it started airing in 2016 and currently has six seasons. By looking at specific demand data for any shows like "The Crown" and examining periods of success, creators and distributors can aim to release content in specific market gaps where a type of show has already seen high demand.

You can also use demand data to explore opportunities for expansion or franchising of "The Crown". Knowing that its franchisability is outstanding, you could analyze areas where a series following a similar structure or theme could seek similar gains in states that currently present high demand for the show. By investing in expansions and franchises of "The Crown", a platform or TV company can also improve the return on investment (ROI) of their franchise assets.

In conclusion, audience demand data has become an essential part of making informed content decisions in the entertainment industry, particularly when it comes to acquisition, distribution and programming of shows like "The Crown". By understanding specific elements of the demand data shown by Parrot Analytics, you can make more informed decisions that improve the economic valuation of a title.

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