
Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation in Mexico Can Inform Your Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an OTT platform executive, the demand data for "Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation" in Mexico from December 2023 can help you make more informed content acquisition and programming decisions. Firstly, you can use the demand data to perform a content valuation, which will tell you the value contribution of the show to your platform in monetary terms. The data reveals that the audience demand for the show is higher than the average show in Mexico by 2.3 times, and only 8.6% of all TV shows have this level of demand. However, the demand has been decreasing recently when compared to its demand in the last 90 days.

Additionally, you can use demand data to assess the show's travelability, which measures its international demand relative to its home market. The demand for the show in Mexico is 39% of the demand in its country of origin, Japan. This means that the show can perform well in other international markets. Furthermore, examining the top 10 global markets where "Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation" is most in-demand over the last 30 days, we find that it outperforms the demand of the average TV show (1x) in each of these markets. China is the show's number one market globally, with outstanding audience demand of 12.8x in China.

The audience demand for "Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation" also helps you understand the show's momentum, which measures its pace of growth. During December, audience demand for the show increased in Mexico by 44.0%, with demand spiked in late December 2023. Additionally, the demand for "Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation" has been consistent over time, with its longevity rating being outstanding. Its franchisability (spin-off potential) is good, indicating a possibility for monetization through spin-offs or franchises.

Furthermore, the audience demand data can help you make informed programming decisions in terms of which shows to acquire and distribute, as well as identify shows that resonate well with the current audience. For example, fans of "Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation" also enjoy watching shows like "Bob's Burgers", "American Dad!", "Spy X Family (スパイファミリー)", "Wandering Witch: The Journey Of Elaina ((魔女の旅々)", "Chainsaw Man (チェンソーマン)", "The Wheel Of Time", "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba (鬼滅の刃)", "To Your Eternity (不滅のあなたへ)" and "Kaguya-sama: Love Is War (かぐや様は告らせたい ~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~)".

In summary, by leveraging Parrot Analytics' demand data, you can quantify the value a specific title will bring to any platform, identify trends in audience demand, make programming decisions backed by data, assess the franchise potential of a show, and optimize marketing strategies for the premiere of upcoming productions.

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