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Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How Entertainment Executives Can Maximize Returns on Investment

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As an entertainment executive, you can use demand data to help make more informed content decisions that will maximize returns on investment. One application is content valuation. You can leverage Parrot Analytics' content valuation system to determine how much to spend on content, how much a series worth, and the baseline value of a title. With demand data, you can quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution and assess the value of exclusivity. You can also calculate the ROI a specific title will bring for any given platform and estimate cannibalization of audiences if a title is available on multiple services.

For example, you can use demand data to evaluate the performance of "Humans," a sci-fi drama series. By examining its demand in the United Kingdom over the last 30 days, we can see that audience demand for "Humans" is good, with 4.7 times the audience demand of the average show in the United Kingdom. Compared to its demand over the last 90 days, demand for this show has been increasing recently. By analyzing its peak rank, genre percentile rank, and audience demand in different markets, you can get a sense of how popular the show is globally and tailor distribution strategies accordingly.

Demand data can also help inform strategic acquisition and programming decisions. You can use demand data to assess how much value a content library brings to a platform over time and identify opportunities to acquire or produce content that exhibits high demand potential. Additionally, demand data can reveal under-monetized titles, allowing you to find new opportunity markets for content distribution.

Furthermore, demand data can help with decisions concerning subscriber acquisition and retention. By analyzing which titles are resonating with your current audience, and which titles have potential to attract new subscribers, you can optimize content selection and distribution. Demand data can also help evaluate pre-release marketing strategies and identify the best talent or brand partners to expand audience reach.

In conclusion, demand data can be a powerful tool to help entertainment executives make more informed content, acquisition, programming, and distribution decisions. By analyzing demand trends and using Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, executives can optimize returns on investment and grow their business in today's crowded entertainment landscape.

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