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Andi Mack: How Demand Data Can Inform Strategic Decisions for Entertainment Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As an entertainment executive, finding the right content to invest in can be a daunting task, but with the help of demand data, strategic decisions can become easier. Taking the show "Andi Mack," for example, we can see how demand data can help in making informed content decisions.

Firstly, content valuation is a crucial aspect of any executive's decision-making process. By using demand data for "Andi Mack," we can determine the dollar value contribution of the show to any platform in the United States. This data can help executives determine how much to spend on content and estimate the return on investment for the platform. In addition, by assessing the value of exclusivity through demand data, executives can make informed decisions about acquiring new content.

Secondly, demand data can also inform scalable concept testing. By analyzing what elements of "Andi Mack" fans like the most, executives can optimize upcoming productions for success. Furthermore, executives can also use demand data to identify under-monetized titles and find new opportunity markets for content distribution.

Thirdly, the demand data for "Andi Mack" can also inform subscriber retention and acquisition decisions. By analyzing which shows can keep the current audience happy and attract new subscribers to the platform, executives can make informed decisions about which titles to acquire.

Fourthly, the demand data for "Andi Mack" helps executives with content distribution decisions. By examining which platforms to target for distribution of the show globally, executives can ensure they are reaching the right audiences and maximizing their content investments.

Finally, comparing the performance of "Andi Mack" on a 1-year rolling basis versus the last 30 days reveals insights into the show's popularity. The data shows that the show has gained popularity, peaking at 7.4 times the average in the last 30 days, compared to 6.9 times the average for the previous year. By examining the top 10 global markets where the show is most in-demand, executives can make informed decisions about expanding the show's reach through international distribution deals.

In conclusion, demand data can help executives make more informed decisions about content valuation, scalable concept testing, subscriber retention and acquisition, content distribution, and the performance of their current portfolio. "Andi Mack" is just one example of how demand data can provide executives with valuable insights into their content portfolio, helping them make more strategic decisions and gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving entertainment industry.

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