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Unleashing the Power of Demand Data: How TV Executives Can Make Better Content Decisions Using Parrot Analytics

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

As a TV executive, you are always looking for ways to make more informed content decisions. Parrot Analytics' demand data can help you easily evaluate the audience interest level of a show by identifying different metrics. Let's take the example of "Dragons' Den" for the month of February 2024 in the United States to see how demand data can help you make better decisions.

First off, demand data can provide insights into content valuation because it reveals the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. This means you can use demand data to estimate the value of a title, baseline value, and assess a TV series' ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. Additionally, demand data can help you quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution and how a title drives engagement across the rest of the catalog. This means that Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, powered by global content demand and supply, can be used to determine how much to spend on content.

Demand data also informs acquisition decisions since you can use it to value content and determine how much it is worth to another streaming platform. For example, the demand for "Dragons' Den" in the United States is good, with only 8.6% of all TV shows having this level of demand. Additionally, the show's demand has been increasing recently, indicating increased popularity. This means that if you are an entertainment talent agency or content distributor looking to acquire content, "Dragons' Den" is a show with high potential value.

Furthermore, demand data can help you make programming and distribution decisions. For example, by examining the top 10 global markets where "Dragons' Den" is most in-demand over the last 30 days, you can find out which markets to prioritize. You can also use demand data to help inform what type(s) of content exhibit opportunity to acquire or produce, to discover under-monetized titles and identify new opportunity markets for content distribution.

Finally, demand data can inform strategic content decisions. For example, it can help with subscriber retention by identifying which titles should be bought to keep the current audience happy, and with subscriber acquisition by determining which titles should be bought to grow the audience. It can also help ensure optimal release strategy and pricing by informing how and when content should be marketed and released.

In conclusion, demand data is a powerful tool that can help you make informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. By analyzing metrics such as demand spikes, global following, and audience retention, you can identify which titles are most valuable and likely to be successful. Additionally, Parrot Analytics' content valuation system uses demand data to help identify the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region, providing a quantifiable approach to content valuation.

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