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How Demand Data Analysis Can Help Entertainment Executives Make Informed Content Decisions: A Case Study on El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca

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Parrot Analytics Insights - September 2023

As a TV executive, you want to make informed content and program decisions that will drive greater demand and revenue for your company. By leveraging Parrot Analytics' demand data, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your content acquisition, distribution and programming strategies. The analysis of "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca" for the month of September 2023 in the United States provides a clear example of how demand data can be utilized:

1. Content valuation uses demand data to answer specific questions, such as determining the value of a title, assessing its ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn, estimating its cannibalization of audiences if available on multiple services, and assessing the value of exclusivity. Using demand data, the value of "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca" can be ascertained, and it is clear that it has outstanding audience demand in the United States, given its demand of 13.7 times the average over the last 30 days.

2. Demand enables valuing IP globally. Using demand data, you can determine what content is most popular in a specific market or on a global scale. "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca," for instance, is most in-demand in emerging markets like Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia, among others, based on the top 10 global markets where it has been searched for over the last 30 days.

3. Demand informs scalable concept testing. As a content executive, it is important to understand which elements of existing content fans like the most. Analysis of "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca" suggests that the show's popularity has increased in the United States over the past month, indicating opportunities for continued success of the show in this market.

4. Demand informs the platform and network fit. You can use demand data to determine which platforms you should target for distribution of your content. You can also determine the demand in regions where your content may not have been popular before. The analysis of "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca" found that the show outperforms the demand of the average TV show in each of the top 10 global markets where it was searched over the last 30 days, indicating opportunity for this content to grow in some regions where it has not already been popular.

5. Demand enables competitive benchmarking. Using demand data, you can compare the performance of your content against other titles available in the market. In this case, analyzing "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca" helps determine how it stacks up against the competition.

In conclusion, by leveraging demand data, you can make informed content acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions that will drive greater demand and revenue for your company. As shown in the analysis of "El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca," demand data can provide valuable insights to help you identify opportunities for growth, assess content valuation, and benchmark your content against the competition.

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