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Using Demand Data to Make More Informed Content Decisions: A Guide for Entertainment Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

If you are an entertainment executive tasked with making content-related strategic decisions, leveraging demand data can help you make more informed decisions that drive the success of your content. This is because demand data provides insights into audience preferences and trends, which you can use to create appealing content that attracts and retains viewers. We will demonstrate this by using the example of "Get Smart" for the month of December 2023 in the United States:

- Content valuation: As an entertainment executive, you may want to determine how much value "Get Smart" brings to your platform. By analyzing demand data, you can quantify the marginal revenue contribution of the show to your platform. In this case, "Get Smart" has 4.0 times the audience demand of an average show in the United States over the last 30 days, placing it in the 8.6th percentile of all TV shows. Therefore, it is a highly valuable title, and you can use the Parrot Analytics content valuation system to assess its dollar value contribution to your platform and compare it to other titles.
- Programming decisions: If you are planning to acquire new content, analyzing "Get Smart"'s demand insights can help you make informed acquisition decisions. You may also want to optimize your programming schedule by having "Get Smart" air at the right time. Additionally, by examining the top 10 global markets where "Get Smart" is most in-demand, you can identify new territories where you can acquire additional content.
- Distribution decisions: By analyzing "Get Smart"'s travelability dimension, which measures its international demand relative to its home market, you can determine where it will perform well in different territories worldwide. This can help you make more informed distribution decisions by allowing you to allocate resources in the right markets.
- Content decisions: Demand data can help you make content decisions for your platform. For example, by analyzing the top shows that fans of "Get Smart" also like, you can identify other TV shows with similar themes to "Get Smart" that perform well. Further, you can optimize the marketing campaigns for upcoming seasons of "Get Smart" by examining the pulse dimension of the show.
- Subscriber retention and acquisition: Finally, you can use the demand data to identify how to retain and grow your subscriber base. By analyzing demand trends for "Get Smart", you can select titles that will keep your existing audience satisfied or attract new subscribers.

Leveraging demand insights from shows like "Get Smart" can provide multiple benefits for entertainment executives in making content-related strategic decisions. By understanding your audience's needs through the data-driven insights provided by Parrot Analytics, you can create an optimal programming strategy that drives success in your platform.

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