
The Power of Demand Data: Leveraging 'The Block' in Australia's Television Landscape

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

If you are at an OTT or SVOD platform or a TV series financing company, you may be asking questions such as "What is the value of 'The Block' in Australia? How much is it worth to our platform?" or "How can we use the popularity of 'The Block' to our advantage?"

Demand data assists in answering these questions by providing a clear, quantifiable baseline for valuing a title or library. Using Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, you can accurately estimate a title's value to any platform or audience in any region.

For instance, if you are considering acquiring the rights to "The Block" for your OTT platform or SVOD, audience demand data can be used to estimate the content's worth and whether it will appeal to your target audience. The trend data in the most recent 30 days, however, suggests the audience's interest may be waning, so you may need to consider your local market and the value of particular genres to make an informed decision.

If you are an entertainment talent agency or TV production company, you may have questions about "The Block's" spinoff potential and the level of its global appeal. You could use demand data to determine if there is an audience for "The Block" in regions beyond Australia, such as South Africa, Singapore, and New Zealand, where it has accumulated positive demand.

Content distribution companies, who must choose the right titles to distribute across linear or digital networks, might leverage demand data to make more informed decisions about "The Block". By comparing the show's demand to that of other titles, you can get a sense of how it performs and if it's internetwork-worthy content.

If you are a linear network or pay TV network, you may wonder how to bring new relevant content to your viewers. Demand data helps uncover popular content genres, such as reality TV shows like "The Block", which are in high demand at the moment. As a result, you might consider purchasing this show or other reality TV shows with similar demand levels to attract new subscribers.

Demand provides clues on how to acquire or produce new content, support global SVOD expansion, and identify under-monetized titles or new opportunity markets for content distribution. Ultimately, using demand data can help you make informed decisions around content acquisition, programming, and distribution, giving both your platform and viewers what they need.

In summary, "The Block's" success in Australia's reality TV show landscape means that it has potential for use in employing a demand-driven content strategy. More specifically, using the data in conjunction with Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, producers can gain a better understanding of the show's ROI potential and how best to use this content for their viewership.

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