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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

If you are an entertainment executive, demand data can help you make more informed decisions regarding content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming. Let's take a look at how data on "Bocchi The Rock!" for the month of December 2023 in Brazil can be used in decision making.

Firstly, if you are interested in content valuation, demand data can help you understand the value that a specific title brings to a platform. Parrot Analytics content valuation system is powered by global content demand and supply, allowing you to quantify the dollar value contribution of any title in any region. With the demand for "Bocchi The Rock!" in Brazil being 3.9 times the average show, it is evident that the demand for this show is good. Therefore, as a TV executive, you can use this information to evaluate "Bocchi The Rock!"'s worth and its contribution to your platform's revenue.

Secondly, if you are in the business of content acquisition, demand data can help uncover new opportunities. Looking at the Parrot Pulse for "Bocchi The Rock!", it is clear that the worldwide audience demand across all platforms is outstanding, whilst its travelability is good. With travelability measuring a show's international demand relative to its home market, you can use this information to identify potential international growth markets for the show in the future.

Thirdly, if you are involved in programming, demand data can help you make decisions about scheduling and programming content. For instance, looking at the top 10 global markets where "Bocchi The Rock!" is in demand, you can learn what local audiences are interested in and tailor your programming decisions accordingly. In addition, by examining the show's performance over time you can make decisions about when and where to show the program for maximum impact. For example, "Bocchi The Rock!"'s had a demand spike in late December 2023 in Brazil. By understanding this spike in demand, TV executives can make informed decisions on the optimal release strategy and pricing for the show.

Fourthly, if you are in the business of content distribution, demand data can assist with understanding the best platform fit for the show. By examining the Parrot Pulse of "Bocchi The Rock!", it is clear that the show has a good reach (the number of people expressing demand for a show). Therefore, if you are a content distributor, you can use this information to identify the best distribution platforms for "Bocchi The Rock!".

Finally, the data on "Bocchi The Rock!" can also help understand the show's momentum, longevity, and franchisability. For example, "Bocchi The Rock!" has good momentum and a good franchisability, meaning that spin-off potential is present. You can use this information to inform future business decisions such as whether to develop spin-offs or franchises to further monetize the show's IP.

In conclusion, demand data plays a vital role in the decision-making process across various business areas for entertainment executives. As shown by the example of "Bocchi The Rock!"'s performance in Brazil, demand data provide a robust way to gauge the performance of TV shows. This understanding of audience demand opens new opportunities for content creators and businesses in the entertainment industry to better understand their respective markets and make informed decisions for their companies.

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