
The Power of Demand Data: How Gilmore Girls Demonstrates the Value of Analytics in Entertainment Decision-Making

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Parrot Analytics Insights - September 2023

As a TV executive, the demand data of a show like "Gilmore Girls" can be very useful to you in making informed content decisions. Demand data can be used to determine how popular a show is relative to the market averages and its target audience. For instance, "Gilmore Girls" has a demand of 8.8 times the average show in Canada over the last 30 days, and this suggests that it has an outstanding demand compared to other shows in the same category.

Content valuation is an important aspect of decision-making in the entertainment industry, and demand data can be used to achieve this valuation. For instance, Parrot Analytics' content valuation system uses demand data to determine the dollar value contribution of any show, to any platform, in any region. This economic valuation system can be used to calculate and assess the value of a content library and individual shows, which will help TV executives determine how much to spend on content acquisition.

Another valuable insight that demand data can provide is the interest of viewers in different genres and shows. With "Gilmore Girls," we can see that it has a high demand in the romance genre. This data can be used by TV executives to determine the types of content that viewers are interested in, thereby helping them understand their target audience. Moreover, through demand data, executives can learn the type of content that fans enjoy the most and optimize it for success in their upcoming productions.

Additionally, demand data provides insight into audience behavior, such as what titles will help retain or attract subscribers to a platform. Executives can make programming decisions based on this information to ensure that their platform has a good selection of shows to retain current subscribers and attract new ones. In the case of "Gilmore Girls," we can see that audience demand for the show has increased in Canada by 13.1% in September, indicating that there is a growing interest in the show that TV executives can take advantage of in their programming decisions.

Finally, demand data can help executives gain insight into the global performance of a show, which can inform distribution decisions. Using "Gilmore Girls" data as an example, we can see that the show outperforms the average show in each of the top 10 global markets, indicating that there is global interest in the show. This information can be used by executives to identify new markets for distribution and to make decisions about which platforms to target for distribution.

In conclusion, to make informed decisions in the entertainment industry, it is crucial to use demand data. Demand data can be used to determine the popularity of a show, calculate content valuation, understand audience interests, and inform programming and distribution decisions. Therefore, it is important for TV executives to use demand data to make well-informed decisions.

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