
Using Demand Data to Make Informed Content Decisions: A Case Study of House of the Dragon

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Parrot Analytics Insights - July 2023

When making content decisions, having access to accurate and reliable demand data is critical for entertainment executives. Demand data enables executives to make informed decisions on content, programming, and distribution. In the case of "House Of The Dragon," a TV series set in the world of "Game of Thrones," let's examine how executives can use demand data to make more informed decisions.

Content Valuation:
Executives can use demand data to value content and determine how much to spend on it. Parrot Analytics uses global demand data and supply chain information to provide an economic valuation system that reveals the contribution of a title, like "House Of The Dragon," to any platform in any region. Executives can leverage this system to calculate ROI for the title, assess its ability to drive subscriptions, and estimate its potential to mitigate churn.

Acquisition and Distribution Decisions:
Demand data can help executives determine what type of content to acquire or produce. By analyzing audience taste clusters and mapping local white spaces, executives can determine the most popular genres in specific markets. Moreover, demand data can help executives decide which platforms to target for the distribution of the content. For "House Of The Dragon," demand data shows that the audience demand in Canada was 63% of the demand in the United States, which means there is still an opportunity to increase demand in the Canadian market.

Programming and Marketing Decisions:
Demand data can help executives make the right programming and marketing decisions. Executives can use data to find new opportunity markets for content distribution and to understand audience tastes better. Additionally, executives can use consumer affinity data to optimize pre-release marketing campaigns to increase audience engagement or attraction.

Performance and Cultural Impact:
Demand data provides executives with insights into how well a particular show is performing, how it stacks up against other titles in the market, and its cultural impact. By analyzing the global demand data for "House Of The Dragon," it is evident that the show has excellent audience demand across all platforms, good longevity and momentum, and outstanding travelability, franchisability and reach. This data also shows that in the United States, "House Of The Dragon" achieved a demand of 15.3x compared to the average TV show.

In conclusion, demand data is crucial for entertainment executives in making informed content decisions. Using data to value content, inform acquisition and distribution decisions, make programming and marketing decisions, and understand performance and cultural impact can help executives stay ahead of the competition. For "House Of The Dragon," demand data shows that it has outstanding global demand and a significant opportunity to increase audience demand in the Canadian market. Thanks to a better understanding of its performance, executives can make decisions that maximize the show's ROI, retain customers and attract new ones to the platform.

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