
Using Demand Data to Drive Content Decisions: Analyzing the Popularity of 'Reacher' in Canada

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As an entertainment executive, it is essential to make informed decisions when it comes to content acquisition, distribution, and programming. Audience demand data can provide valuable insights that help you make strategic decisions for your platform or network.

Parrot Analytics' demand data tool shows that "Reacher" has an exceptional level of demand among audiences in Canada, with an audience demand 12.2 times higher than the average show in the region over the past 30 days. This high level of demand positions "Reacher" as a strategic asset for any platform or network looking to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. By using demand valuation, you can determine how much to spend on this show based on its value contribution to your platform.

Additionally, the demand data highlights that "Reacher" ranks at the 99.4th percentile in the drama genre. This means that the show has higher demand than 99.4% of all drama series in Canada. The show's audience demand has been increasing recently, with a 40.1% increase during November in Canada, indicating that it is gaining popularity.

Demand data also reveals that "Reacher" has strong potential for international distribution, with outstanding demand across multiple regions, including the United States, Russia, Poland, Brazil, and Sweden. In the US, the show is performing exceptionally well, with an audience demand of 12.4x higher than the average TV series in the region.

Furthermore, the Parrot Pulse for "Reacher" provides insights into various dimensions of the show's performance. "Reacher" has outstanding global audience demand, good longevity, and exceptional momentum, indicating its potential for continued growth. The show's spin-off potential is also good, making it a promising franchise for potential expansion.

These insights help you understand how much a show is worth, if it attracts new subscribers, how it will perform in multiple regions, and how much you should invest in marketing and distribution. As an entertainment executive, it is essential to use audience demand data to make informed decisions for your platform or network, considering the content valuation, global reach, and other factors impacting a show's popularity and potential.

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