
Maximizing Success in the TV Industry: How Demand Data Empowers TV Executives to Make Informed Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As a TV executive, you can use demand data to make more informed decisions regarding content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming of your TV series. Parrot Analytics, a leader in TV measurement and analysis, provides demand data that can empower you to make these crucial strategic decisions.

One example is the use of demand data in content valuation. By leveraging Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, you can determine how much to invest in content based on the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. For instance, for "Trying," the demand for the show in Canada is good, 3.1 times the audience demand of the average TV show, representing the increased popularity of the TV series. You can use this data to evaluate the worth of the series and consider renewing or investing in it.

You can leverage demand data to make more informed acquisition decisions. You can use Parrot Analytics' demand data to evaluate the show in Canada compared to its global demand. For "Trying," the show achieved good audience demand of 3.5x in the UK, indicating the show's strong performance in its home market, and making it an ideal candidate for acquisition in the UK. Moreover, you can use this data to evaluate the show's potential in other markets showing an acceptable level of demand, including the US, France, Israel, and Germany.

Demand data can also help you make informed distribution decisions. By examining the travelability of the show, you can get insights into the show's potential in global markets outside its home market. For "Trying," its travelability score was low, meaning there is limited interest in the show in regions outside of the UK, indicating the show may not travel well and helps in decision-making of whether to distribute the show outside the UK.

Programming a TV series can also benefit significantly from demand data. You can use the data to optimize the release time and pricing of a TV series. For "Trying", the demand for the TV show increased around late January 2024, which may be useful in establishing the flow of future shows for better viewership.

In summary, demand data provides the opportunity for real-time decision making and informed strategic planning for TV executives involved in content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming. Parrot Analytics' detailed demand data for audience engagement and show performance gives TV executives the critical insights they need to select the right content and to make the right decisions for their unique goals.

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