
Unpacking the Value of TV Series 'Game Two': Insights from Demand Data Analysis for Entertainment Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As an entertainment executive, there are many insights you can gather from analyzing the demand data for "Game Two" as outlined above. Here are some ways this data can be used to make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, or programming decisions:

1. Content Valuation - You can estimate the value of "Game Two" to your platform or network by using demand data to calculate its dollar value contribution. This will help you determine how much to spend on acquiring or producing the show.

2. Programming Decisions - You can use the audience demand data on "Game Two" to determine how well it is performing compared to other shows in Germany. With 2.5 times the demand of the average show, "Game Two" is a good performer. Moreover, analyzing the show's rank and genre-specific audience demand allows you to better understand the audience preferences and interest, helping make programming decisions within your platform.

3. Distribution Decisions - By examining the top 10 global markets data for "Game Two" over the past 30 days, you can understand its international appeal and decide which countries to prioritize for distribution if you are considering expanding to new markets.

4. Acquisition Decisions - If you're considering acquiring the rights to "Game Two", demand data can help you evaluate the show's potential longevity and whether its demand will be sustained over time. It is concerning that even though its peak demand was 6.2 times the average over the course of the entire year, it peaked at 3.4 times the average in the last 30 days, indicating a decrease in popularity.

5. Retention & Acquisition - Given that "Game Two" has a good audience demand, it could be a great addition to your platform/catalog to grow your audience or retain current subscribers. You can use the genre-specific audience data to ensure that the show appeals to your target audience.

6. Marketing Campaign - Analysis of the Parrot Pulse for "Game Two" can give insights into the show's global performance, including its momentum and longevity. This can help you optimize your marketing campaign for the show before the premiere and even after.

In conclusion, demand data provides a valuable and unique way of evaluating TV show performance. Insights such as the above can improve decision-making in all areas of the entertainment industry. As an entertainment executive, incorporating demand data into the decision-making process can lead to better business outcomes for your platform.

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