
The Power of Demand Data: How 'The Flash' in Spain can Inform Entertainment Executives' Content, Acquisition, Distribution, and Programming Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

Demand data is an essential tool that entertainment executives can use to make informed content, distribution, acquisition, and programming decisions. Using the example of "The Flash" in Spain during December 2023, we can explore how demand data can inform these decisions.

Content Valuation: Content valuation uses demand data to estimate the worth of a TV series and the value of a content library to a streaming platform. Parrot Analytics' content valuation uses demand data to calculate a show's dollar value contribution to any platform in any region. For instance, analyzing the demand for "The Flash" in Spain in December 2023 reveals that the show had exceptional audience demand 12.1 times the average TV show. Furthermore, only 2.7% of all TV series had a similar demand level.

Programming Decisions: Demand data helps executives to make informed programming decisions. For instance, based on "The Flash", stakeholders can determine what type of content is most popular within their market and adjust their programming lineup accordingly. They can also use demand data to determine factors like supply and demand, helping executives identify opportunities to acquire or produce content.

Distribution Decisions: Understanding the travelability of a TV series can help executives determine which platforms they should target for distribution. For "The Flash", the show's global performance and travelability are both graded as exceptional. Additionally, the demand for the series in Spain was 27% of the demand in the United States, which indicates overseas market demand.

Acquisition Decisions: When considering acquiring or developing intellectual property (IP), demand data can inform executives of the potential global appeal of a show. Parrot Analytics Travelability assesses a show's international demand relative to its domestic market. For "The Flash", the show's travelability score is exceptional, indicating it has broad international appeal.

Marketing Decisions: Demand data can inform marketing decisions for upcoming TV series, such as pre-release marketing, as marketers can use this information to gauge the audience's interest. Additionally, momentum analysis, which measures the pace of growth, can showcase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns around a show. In the case of "The Flash," the demand for the show increased by 4.8% in Spain in December 2023.

In summary, demand data enables executives to make informed decisions informed by actionable insights that reveal the popularity of a TV show. This information helps in decisions around content valuation, acquisition, distribution, programming, and marketing. Demand data is an integral part of the decision-making process, providing valuable insights that help industry professionals to plan and execute successful content, programming, and distribution strategies.

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