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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As an executive in the entertainment industry, you would want to use demand data to make informed decisions about your content and distribution strategies. The case of "Balthazar" in France provides us with several insights into how demand data can be used to understand audience engagement and make profitable decisions.

First, you can use demand data to estimate the value of a TV series and calculate its ROI. For instance, Parrot Analytics' content valuation system uses global content demand and supply to determine the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. Based on our analysis of "Balthazar," we can infer that the show's demand is outstanding, ten times higher than the average for France. Compared to the demand in the last 90 days, "Balthazar"'s current demand has been increasing, and during January 2024, audience demand increased by 5.6%. Therefore, purchasing or producing more episodes of "Balthazar" seems like a profitable decision to make.

Second, you can leverage demand data to understand genre preferences and audience taste clusters. By examining the Parrot Analytics Pulse for "Balthazar," we see that the show ranks at the 99.1th percentile in the drama genre in France, indicating that the show has higher demand than 99.1% of all drama titles. We also find out that fans of "Balthazar" enjoy similar shows like "Altered Carbon," "Billions," and "Fargo." Thus, if you want to attract the same audience, you can look for similar or complementary titles to acquire or produce.

Third, demand data can help executives make decisions concerning supply and demand. Parrot Analytics' demand data reveals what content exhibits the opportunity to acquire or produce. By examining the top 10 global markets where "Balthazar" has high demand and comparing how the show is currently doing in each region, you can find untapped global markets and expand your content globally.

Fourth, demand data informs distribution and programming decisions. For example, you can optimize your release strategy and pricing by examining demand spikes or when demand dips. In the case of "Balthazar," we can see a demand spike in the later portion of January 2024 in France. You can also use demand data to understand where and how to distribute your content by analyzing in which regions "Balthazar" has high demand and which platforms these regions engage with.

Finally, demand data can inform content marketing decisions. By examining momentum, the pace of growth around a show's popularity, you can optimize marketing campaigns for premiere by addressing regions where demand is increasing. Additionally, you can undertake affinity analysis to understand details about your current audience, such as its taste clusters, preferences of talent, and brands.

In conclusion, using demand data can help executives in several ways, including estimating the value of content, understanding audience tastes, making decisions concerning supply and demand, informing distribution and programming, and aiding in pre-release marketing. By examining "Balthazar" and other popular titles, entertainment executives can use insights based on demand data to make informed and profitable decisions.

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