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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

For any entertainment executive considering making content, acquisition, distribution or programming decisions, demand data is crucial in providing an understanding of how a show is performing and to determine what content will be successful. Our analysis of "Blue Eye Samurai" in France during February 2024 provides a useful illustration of how demand data can be used to make more informed decisions about content.

Knowing what is driving the demand for a show is critical when it comes to content valuation, and the Parrot Analytics content valuation system based on demand data provides those insights that can help in determining how much to spend on content. Using Parrot Analytics' demand data, the economic value contribution of any title to any platform in any region can be ascertained. "Blue Eye Samurai" has achieved an outstanding audience demand of 7.9 times the average show in France over the last 30 days, only 2.7% of shows have this level of demand. Understanding the show's value can help executives decide what price to pay for the content.

Demand data can also be useful in determining what type(s) of content exhibit an opportunity to acquire or produce. The insight that "Blue Eye Samurai" has a high demand in France and other countries like the US, China, and Canada can incentivize an acquisition decision or help determine if it is necessary to include similar themes or genres as the show in producing or acquiring new content.

Another example of how demand data can be helpful for programming decisions is through fan affinity. Knowing what other shows fans of "Blue Eye Samurai" are also watching, such as "Loki" and "Invincible," can help with content recommendations and lead to the creation of marketing campaigns that resonate with the audience.

For distribution decision-making, demand data is especially valuable. It helps in determining which platforms to target for content distribution, the countries and regions in need of the show, the value of exclusivity, and the impact of multi-service platforms on audience engagement. In the case of "Blue Eye Samurai," we know that outstanding worldwide demand spread across all platforms. Also, it has great travelability and global performance, making it a valuable addition to any platform that wants to expand its reach.

Additionally, the entertainment executive may use demand data to identify the optimal release strategy and pricing for a show. For "Blue Eye Samurai," we know that it had a demand spike in mid-February in France, indicating that this may be the best time to release similar content.

Finally, executives can use demand data to monitor the momentum, partnering with talents and brands to expand audience reach, among other factors that would impact the success of a show or project. Overall, our analysis of "Blue Eye Samurai" shows that demand data is an essential tool that can help executives make data-driven decisions that lead to long-term success.

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