
Beyond the Screen: How Demand Data Helps TV Executives Make More Informed Content Decisions Using 'Penny Dreadful' as a Case Study

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

As a TV executive, you are always looking for ways to make more informed content decisions and to better understand audience demand. One way to do this is to utilize demand data, which can help you determine the value of a TV series or library to a platform, gain insights into audience preferences and estimate the ROI of your content. By analyzing the audience demand for "Penny Dreadful" in France during February 2024, we can see how demand data can be used to inform content acquisition, distribution and programming decisions.

For example, by looking at the demand trend for "Penny Dreadful," we can see that demand for this show has been increasing recently, with a 19.3% increase in audience demand in France during February 2024 compared to the previous month. This data shows that this TV series is currently resonating with French viewers and is growing in popularity.

Additionally, by examining which other TV shows fans of "Penny Dreadful" are also watching, we can gain insights into audience preferences and use this information to source or create similar content. For instance, we can see that shows like "American Horror Story," "The Handmaid's Tale," and "Supernatural" are popular among fans of "Penny Dreadful." This information can be helpful when making decisions on what type of content to acquire or produce and how to market it effectively to attract the right audience.

Another key aspect of demand data is content valuation. Demand data can help you determine the dollar value contribution of a title, calculate the ROI it will bring for a platform and assess its ability to drive subscriptions or mitigate churn. In the case of "Penny Dreadful," we can see that this TV series has 6.6 times the audience demand of the average show in France over the last 30 days and ranks at the 98.0th percentile in the drama genre. This means "Penny Dreadful" has higher demand than 98.0% of all drama titles in France. This information indicates that "Penny Dreadful" has been a valuable asset for its platform, and it should consider renewing the show or acquiring similar content to retain its current audience and attract new ones.

Finally, understanding audience demand is also crucial for optimal release strategy and pricing decisions. By leveraging demand data, we can determine the best time to release new episodes and at what price point. For example, by analyzing the travelability of "Penny Dreadful," we can see that the show has good international demand relative to its home market. The platform that holds the distribution rights of the TV series can leverage this information to determine the best time to make it available to the global market in order to maximize its ROI.

In conclusion, demand data is a valuable tool for TV executives looking to make more informed content decisions and to better understand audience preferences. By analyzing the audience demand for TV shows like "Penny Dreadful," we can gain insights into audience preferences, uncover hidden opportunities for growth, assess the value of content, and optimize distribution and marketing strategies to attract and retain viewers and grow a passionate fandom.

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