
Demand Data: How Vernon Subutex in France Shows the Power of Content Valuation for Entertainment Executives.

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an entertainment executive, you are always looking for ways to make more informed decisions, whether those decisions are related to content acquisition, programming, or distribution. Parrot Analytics' demand data can provide valuable insights to help you make more informed decisions. Let's take a look at how demand data for "Vernon Subutex" in France can be used to make better decisions.

Firstly, demand data can help with content valuation, which is a critical factor that drives all other decisions. Parrot Analytics' economic valuation system powered by global content demand and supply can help you evaluate the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. You can use demand data for "Vernon Subutex" to determine how much the show is worth, how well it is performing against other titles in its genre, and how it contributes to a platform's overall demand.

Additionally, demand data can inform your decisions related to supply and demand. You can use insights from audience demand for the show to help you decide which type of content may be worth producing or acquiring, highlighting potential success in similar genres or themes.

Furthermore, demand data enables you to make programming decisions related to release strategies and pricing. You can find out the best release strategy for your content and adjust pricing based on audience demand. With Parrot Analytics, you can confidently place the show in an optimal timeslot, take out proper marketing campaigns, and get the most out of your PR activities.

The show's longevity is another dimension that demand data can help you navigate. Audience demand for "Vernon Subutex" shows a consistent increase in popularity since it began airing three years ago, resulting in a continuing demand for more episodes in France. Using demand data can give you an understanding of how long to expect an audience's interest in the show and which areas of the world the show's audience demand is growing, providing valuable insights to make business development decisions.

Lastly, demand data produces useful insights for your acquisition decisions and marketing strategies. You can research the global appeal of the show and the ability to make advanced catalog content acquisition choices to increase engagement and retention. You can use demand data to make a robust aim at your target audiences and adjust your pre and post-premiere marketing campaigns' effectiveness.

In conclusion, demand data for "Vernon Subutex" shows steady growth in popularity in France with audience demand increasing in different countries worldwide. Parrot Analytics' demand data allows you to map local white spaces of consumer demand, create marketing strategies, track longevity metrics, and make informed content acquisition decisions, exciting tools that assure your monetization and investment goals are met.

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