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Maximizing Content Value: How Demand Data Helps TV Executives Make Informed Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

Parrot Analytics' demand data is an essential tool for TV executives when making content decisions, acquisition, distribution, or programming decisions. The data provides valuable insights on how popular a show is across different markets globally, which can help them to determine how much to invest in a particular show. It also enables them to measure the influence of various factors such as travelability, momentum, franchisability, longevity, and reach, which ultimately informs their content valuation.

Using the show "Police Interceptors" in the United Kingdom, we can demonstrate how demand data can help TV executives make informed decisions. For instance, by analyzing the demand data, TV executives can determine whether the show has a high degree of audience appeal and popularity across different regions. In the case of "Police Interceptors," the show had 11.7 times the audience demand of the average show in the United Kingdom over the last 30 days. This implies that the show is very popular and may attract a larger audience for the channel.

Additionally, by using audience demand data, executives can optimize the release of their content by analyzing the peak viewing times for their shows. They can also predict which titles are in high demand in a particular genre, helping them focus on future content investments. For example, from the analysis of the show "Police Interceptors," TV executives can determine that other shows like "Wheeler Dealers," "Court Cam," and "Mythbusters" have similar characteristics that can influence demand for the show. This information can help them to create shows that will appeal to audiences who love these genres of programming.

With the detailed demand data provided, executives can conduct a proper analysis of their content and assess its value to another streaming platform. For instance, executives can determine the show's value to the streaming platform relative to the market average, how the show "Police Interceptors" is doing globally and in the different regions, and the genres that are resonating most with the audience. This enables them to make informed decisions regarding which platforms to target for distribution and strategic acquisition.

By leveraging the detailed demand data, TV executives can optimize their marketing campaigns ahead of a premiere, allowing them to reach the appropriate audience in a targeted way. The data can also provide insight into audience clusters, which can be used to tailor content to specific groups of viewers. In the case of "Police Interceptors," it has a fandom that is dedicated but relatively small, which is useful information for executives looking to maintain the show's niche appeal.

Lastly, understanding audience demand gives executives the power to assess their competitors' content and benchmark their shows against similar titles available on the market, providing valuable industry knowledge which can shape their future content decisions.

In summary, Parrot Analytics' demand data can be used to help executives make more informed content decisions, from analyzing the audience appeal of a show and predicting future trends to determining the show's value to a particular platform or assessing its competitors' content. By properly leveraging demand data, executives can make more informed strategic decisions that enhance the value of their content library.

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