United Kingdom

The Power of Demand Data: Analyzing 'The Last Kingdom' for Strategic Content Decision Making

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As a TV executive, analyzing demand data could provide vital insights into how to shape your content strategy. Take "The Last Kingdom" as an example. The show has outstanding demand, 13.9 times the audience demand of the average show in the United Kingdom over the last 30 days. This indicates that viewers in the United Kingdom have a strong desire to watch this show. With only 2.7% of all TV shows having this level of demand, it is an indicator that the show is a rare asset in the United Kingdom. The increase in demand over the last 30 days, compared to its 90-day average, also indicates that the show is experiencing recent growth in popularity.

Use demand data to assess content valuation. Parrot Analytics content valuation system can be used to establish the monetary contribution value of any title, to any platform, in any region. With this data, you can evaluate how much money to spend on content or which titles to acquire. The demand data of "The Last Kingdom" could be used to assess how much the show is worth concerning licensing or distribution agreements.

The increase in demand for "The Last Kingdom" in the United Kingdom during November is an indicator that the show is relevant to the audience. Taking a closer look at the show's performance outside of the United Kingdom could provide insight into where the show has global appeal. Parrot Analytics provides information on the top 10 markets where "The Last Kingdom" is most in-demand, and the show outperforms the demand of the average TV show in each of these markets. It is essential to examine how demand for "The Last Kingdom" varies regionally. Doing so allows you to ascribe more accurate content valuations and understand how the show resonates with different cultures and tastes.

Analyzing metadata, like that available on The Last Kingdom, can inform decisions concerning franchisability, longevity, and reachability. Franchisability concerns the potential of a show to generate spinoffs, while longevity is about how well sustained the show's demand is over time. Reachability is about the number of people expressing demand for the show. It is also essential to track the momentum of the show, calculated by how fast its demand is increasing. With data on the show's global performance across all platforms, you can get insights into franchising opportunities as well as what part of the world the show is doing well.

Additionally, information on the shows fans like "House Of The Dragon", "The Witcher", "Better Call Saul", "Outlander", "Silo", "The Mandalorian", "Loki", "Game Of Thrones" and "The Expanse", indicative of the titles, viewers of a show are also interested in, can be used to make informed decisions concerning programming or what titles to acquire.

In conclusion, with Parrot Analytics demand data, TV executives can make more informed decisions on content acquisition, production, distribution, and programming. "The Last Kingdom" is an excellent example of how to use demand data to evaluate content valuation, establish popularity metrics, and drive strategic content acquisition decisions. By using insights like this executive can feel confident that they can make informed decisions that will lead to successful programming and content strategies.

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