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The Power of Demand: Using 'Batwoman' as a Case Study for Informed Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

As entertainment executives, you are constantly seeking ways to make informed decisions when it comes to your content, acquisition, distribution, and programming strategy. Demand data, such as the data collected for "Batwoman" allows executives to make more informed decisions that can lead to the creation of more valuable content for audiences.

One way demand data is valuable is through content valuation. Demand data is the basis for Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, which reveals the dollar value contribution of a title to any platform in any region. By using the data in combination with the content valuation system, executives can estimate the ROI of a particular title and assess its ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. These insights provide executives with more strategic and data-driven ways to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of producing or acquiring a particular title.

Furthermore, demand data can inform decisions concerning supply and demand, such as which types of content exhibit opportunity for acquisition or production. For example, based on the "Batwoman" data, executives might look to acquire or produce shows in the drama genre with similar elements like superheroes or with similar audiences. Audience demand data can also help them to identify which shows have under-monetized titles, like finding new opportunity markets for content distribution.

Demand data is also beneficial to marketers by informing pre-release campaigns and targeting ads to the right audience. In the case of "Batwoman", executives could use the fan affinity data to inform potential marketing campaigns or partner with the best brand or talent to expand their audience. This data could also help teams uncover new markets to distribute its content globally and explore the potential spin-offs or franchising opportunities.

Finally, demand data can help executives answer critical questions concerning their audiences, like "How much is my show worth relative to the market average?" or "What genres should we focus on to attract new subscribers to our SVOD service?" By examining data like the top 10 markets or related shows for "Batwoman", executives can identify key demographics and target content to those audiences.

In conclusion, the demand data provided for "Batwoman" is a powerful tool that can provide executives with valuable insights that will inform their content, acquisition, distribution, and programming strategies. Using demand data, like that generated by Parrot Analytics, allows executives to make more informed decisions and create more valuable content for audiences.

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