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Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How 'Burn Notice' Analytics Can Guide Your Content Strategy

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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As a TV executive, it is crucial to make informed content acquisition, distribution and programming decisions based on audience demand. Demand data is essential to answer key questions that can guide strategic decision making. The analysis of "Burn Notice" demonstrates how demand data can be leveraged to gain insights into the performance of a TV series.

Content Valuation: By examining demand data, TV executives can determine how much their TV show is worth and what drives its value. For instance, to calculate the dollar value of "Burn Notice", we would need to look at the demand data across all platforms the show is available, including the United States, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Romania, and China. By factoring in the baseline value of the title, we can assess its ability to drive subscriptions and reduce churn. Additionally, viewing audience engagement with the show can help TV executives calculate the ROI a specific title can bring to their platform.

Travelability: Identifying the potential to acquire or produce content that can perform well internationally is critical in the current global streaming market. With the Parrot Pulse travelability metric, TV executives can determine how well a TV show is resonating with global audiences. "Burn Notice" has a good travelability metric, indicating its potential to attract international audiences.

Franchisability: Understanding a TV show's spin-off potential can help TV executives monetize their content beyond the initial run. The franchisability metric can indicate whether a TV show has the potential to lend itself to spin-offs, merchandising, or other monetization opportunities. In the case of "Burn Notice," the good franchisability metric suggests the show can be a candidate for a spin-off or another revenue-generating opportunity.

Momentum: Understanding a TV show's momentum, the pace of its growth, can help TV executives predict the show's future performance. By examining spikes in demand around the network premiere or marketing campaign, TV executives can evaluate the effectiveness of sales marketing. The good momentum "Burn Notice" experienced in November suggests positive growth, while the decrease in demand over the longer-term could be a cautionary sign for future decisions.

Longevity: Maintenance of audience demand can drive incremental profit from past investments, making it a crucial area of analysis for TV series. The outstanding longevity metric indicates that "Burn Notice" has maintained high audience demand throughout the year, hinting at future success in maintaining interest in the show.

In conclusion, "Burn Notice," as analyzed here, demonstrates how demand data can empower TV executives in multiple areas of decision-making. By examining audience demand and utilizing data analytics, executives can identify strategic opportunities to acquire and monetize content, understand audience preferences and tailor content, and predict future performance. With demand data, TV executives can make data-driven decisions that can help achieve long-term success on streaming platforms.

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