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Laughing All the Way to the Bank: How Demand Data Can Help Entertainment Executives Make Informed Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

For entertainment executives looking to make informed decisions about their content, demand data collected by Parrot Analytics can provide a valuable insight. Using the example of "Comedy Central Stand-Up Presents...", we can see how demand data can be applied to help decision-makers evaluate and make better decisions relating to content valuation, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions.

Content valuation:
With 5.6 times the audience demand of the average show in the United States, "Comedy Central Stand-up Presents..." has a good level of demand. This high demand can be an indication of a show's value in the market, and entertainment executives can use this data to determine the worth of a particular title.

Acquisition decisions:
In addition to content valuation, executives can use demand data to decide which titles to acquire for their platform or network. For example, since "Comedy Central Stand-up Presents..." has higher demand than 92.0% of all comedy titles in the United States, and fans of this title also like other shows that are currently popular, these insights can be used to identify potential acquisition targets.

Distribution decisions:
Demand data can also help to determine the most effective distribution strategies. By examining the top 10 global markets, entertainment executives can identify where demand for a particular title is strongest. Since the United States is the show's number one market globally, and "Comedy Central Stand-up Presents..." achieved good audience demand of 2.0x in the United States, executives can develop targeted distribution strategies catering to the United States market.

Programming decisions:
At its peak, "Comedy Central Stand-up Presents..." achieved demand that was 9.6 times the average over the course of the entire year, compared to 6.6 times the title average in the last 30 days. This indicates that the show's popularity has increased in recent times. Executives can use this information to decide when to schedule the show to get maximum viewership.

Using demand data for these types of decisions shows how important it is to have access to the right kind of data to back up strategic decision-making and ensure content performs to its maximum potential.

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