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Maximizing Success with Demand Data: The Power of Informed Decision Making for TV Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As a TV executive, demand data can provide insights that can inform more informed content, acquisition, distribution, or programming decisions. By examining the example of "Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro," we can see how demand data relates to content valuation and helps us answer questions such as show worth, global appeal, marketing strategies, among others.

Content Valuation: Demand data plays a crucial role in content valuation since it reveals a title's dollar value contribution to any platform in any region. For example, using Parrot Analytics’ content valuation system, executives can understand the baseline value of a title, estimate value loss due to cannibalization of audiences and assess the value of exclusivity. They can also quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution and predict a title's economic sustainability.

Global Appeal: Demand data powers the ability to value intellectual property (IP) globally. Executives can understand what content is popular in any market and on a global scale by analyzing demand data. For instance, in the case of "Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro," executives can see that the demand for the show is good in markets such as Norway, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Sweden, and the Netherlands, revealing its global appeal.

Marketing Strategies: Exploring demand data can help executives optimize their pre-release marketing campaign for a show. They can learn when and where demand for their content spikes and which genres are resonating with their audience, allowing them to tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Programming Decisions: By analyzing viewer affinity data, executives can determine which show elements are preferred by fans and optimize upcoming productions for success. Furthermore, executives can use demand data to answer questions like; which type of content exhibits opportunities to acquire or produce, which shows have the potential to attract new subscribers, or retain existing ones.

Longevity: Executives can gauge the sustainability of a show's audience demand over time by examining viewership data and trends, as well as other dimensions of Parrot Analytics' Parrot Pulse system. The momentum, the pace of a show's growth, longevity, the show's ability to maintain steady demand over time, and reach, the number of people expressing demand for a show, all provide insights into the longevity of the series' success. In the case of "Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro," demand data indicates that demand for the show is decreasing in the United States, but it still maintains good demand levels in other global markets.

In conclusion, demand data provides valuable insights for TV executives that lead to more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. By analyzing factors such as global appeal, marketing strategies, content valuation, and longevity, executives can make better decisions that maximize audience viewership and help them stay ahead of the competition.

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