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Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How TV Executives Can Make More Informed Content Decisions Using 'Mapleworth Murders' as a Case Study.

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As an entertainment executive, you face tough decisions every day about which content to produce, acquire, distribute, or program. That's where demand data comes in. By analyzing global audience demand for TV shows like "Mapleworth Murders," you can make more informed content decisions based on the insights it provides.

One way demand data informs decision-making is by enabling content valuation. For instance, by using Parrot Analytics data, you can evaluate "Mapleworth Murders" in terms of its dollar value contribution to any platform in any region. Additionally, the data can be used to answer questions such as how much my show is worth, how it compares to other titles, and how it can be optimized to increase its value.

Demand data can also help you identify opportunities to acquire or produce new content that will drive engagement and retention among your target audience. In the case of "Mapleworth Murders," we can see that the show has 4.4 times higher demand than the average US TV show over the last 30 days, with demand increasing by 12.3% during that period. This indicates the show is a good candidate for acquisition or production.

Moreover, by analyzing the audience for "Mapleworth Murders," we can learn about what other shows viewers are interested in, such as "Fear The Walking Dead," "Killing Eve," and "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon." This knowledge can be applied to programming decisions or content acquisition decisions, as it helps you understand what shows are most likely to appeal to your target demographic.

Demand data can also inform your marketing strategy, helping you understand what elements of your content resonates most with fans. By conducting scalability testing, for example, you could identify which elements of "Mapleworth Murders" are most popular with viewers and optimize your upcoming productions accordingly.

Another important aspect of demand data is understanding where a show is most popular around the world. For example, we can see that "Mapleworth Murders" is most in-demand in the United States, followed by Germany. This information can be used to inform distribution decisions, such as which platforms to target for a show's release.

Finally, the Parrot Pulse for "Mapleworth Murders" provides an independent measure of its global performance across six dimensions, including travelability, momentum, and reach. By analyzing these metrics, you can make more informed decisions about the potential value of a show in the long term.

In summary, demand data provides valuable insights that entertainment executives can use to inform decisions about content valuation, programming, acquisition, and distribution. By understanding audience demand for shows like "Mapleworth Murders," executives can identify opportunities to drive engagement and retention among their target audience and optimize the value of their content.

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