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The Power of Demand: How 'My Hero Academia' and Audience Demand Data Can Inform Strategic Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - July 2023

As a TV executive, it's important to make informed content decisions, and demand data can be a vital tool to help you do so. Looking at the example of "My Hero Academia" for the month of July 2023 in the United States, we can see how demand data can be used to inform content valuation and help make strategic decisions.

One way demand data can help with content valuation is by showing how much a particular show is worth compared to the average title. In this case, "My Hero Academia" has 44.5 times the audience demand of the average show in the United States over the last 30 days, indicating that it has exceptional value. Additionally, demand data can be used to determine whether there is any correlation between a title's value and the popularity of its stars.

In terms of programming decisions, demand data can be used to determine what type of content has the most opportunity to acquire or produce. "My Hero Academia" has high audience demand in various countries, including the United States, Japan, France, Canada, United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia, Germany, and Netherlands. This data showcases the opportunity for content distribution in those markets that can help the platform to expand globally.

Moreover, it can provide insights on the best release strategy or optimal pricing for a particular show. In this case, demand spiked in the US in late July 2023 for "My Hero Academia," indicating that this could be a good time for the platform to engage with fans in the country through promotional marketing.

Explore who the audience is for a particular show subject and which actors in the show are the best fit to expand its reach. For "My Hero Academia," data shows that fans of this show are most likely to like other animated titles, such as "Attack On Titan (進撃の巨人), "Rick and Morty," and "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba (鬼滅の刃)," as well as live-action comedies like "The Witcher" and "South Park". Insights about the audience can be useful in identifying opportunities to attract new subscribers and retain existing audiences.

Finally, demand data can help with acquisition and distribution decisions by providing insights into a show's performace across specific markets. For instance, the demand for "My Hero Academia" was outstanding in the US, indicating high value for the show in that market. By examining the top 10 global markets, content distributors or SVOD platform, in this instance, can identify how they can allocate their funds to their specific targeted market to maximize future content investments.

In conclusion, demand data can be used as a tool to evaluate how much a show is worth, inform programming decisions, provide insights for promotional marketing, and make informed acquisition or distribution decisions. The insights it provides can inform content valuation models, which can help inform strategic decision-making for executives in the TV industry.

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