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Unlocking the Value of Demand Data: How 'People Magazine Investigates' Case Study Can Help Entertainment Executives Make More Informed Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

For entertainment executives, demand data can help to make more informed decisions regarding content, acquisition, distribution, and programming. By analyzing demand data, industry professionals can gain insights into a show's popularity and potential success, as well as valuable information about audience behavior and preferences.

In the case of "People Magazine Investigates," the show has good demand in the United States, significantly above the market average, and its popularity has been increasing recently. The show has also achieved a high percentile rank in the documentary genre, indicating its relative demand compared to other shows in the same category.

One valuable use of demand data is content valuation, which can estimate the dollar value contribution of a title to any platform in any region. Based on "People Magazine Investigates" demand data, it is possible to calculate the show's ROI and estimate its ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn. For example, executives could use demand data to estimate the value of exclusivity and assess a show's ability to drive acquisition or retention of viewers, ultimately informing decisions on content investment and acquisition.

Demand data can also be useful in assessing a show's global appeal and travelability, which is a measure of international demand relative to a show's home market. In the case of "People Magazine Investigates," the show has okay worldwide audience demand across all platforms but poor travelability, indicating potential challenges for international distribution.

Finally, demand data can help inform decisions around marketing, release strategy, and the potential for spin-offs and franchises. By analyzing audience preferences and behavior, executives can optimize marketing campaigns and develop shows that are more likely to engage and retain viewers, ultimately leading to a better chance of success in a competitive market.

In summary, demand data is an essential tool for entertainment executives looking to make informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. By analyzing demand trends and patterns, industry professionals can estimate a show's value, assess global appeal and travelability, and make more effective marketing and programming choices for maximum growth and success.

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