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Using Demand Data to Make Data-Driven Decisions: A Case Study on Team Umizoomi

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Parrot Analytics Insights - January 2024

Entertainment executives across the industry can use demand data to make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. For example, Parrot Analytics' demand data can help executives determine the value of content, like "Team Umizoomi," and its ability to drive engagement across the rest of a platform's catalog.

Using Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, executives can calculate the ROI a specific title like "Team Umizoomi" might bring for their platform. By assessing a TV series' ability to drive subscriptions and mitigate churn, executives can make data-driven decisions about the content they should acquire or produce.

Parrot Analytics' demand data can also inform pre-release marketing decisions by optimizing a marketing campaign ahead of a premiere and identifying which platform or network is the best fit for the specific title. Additionally, Parrot Analytics' content valuation system can be used to determine how much content is worth to another streaming platform so that potential partnership opportunities can be pursued.

When examining "Team Umizoomi," executives can use Parrot Analytics' demand data to determine which genres are most popular within its audience and use this information to create or acquire related content that will appeal to the same fanbase. Furthermore, executives can analyze the show's performance in different markets to make decisions on how to market and distribute the title in each of these regions.

Given "Team Umizoomi's" recent decrease in demand but strong performance in its highest-rated markets, executives can use demand data to better understand the factors driving fan interest in the title. Based on these insights, they can make decisions about potential spin-offs, licensing opportunities, or marketing campaigns to help increase demand.

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