
Maximizing the Value of Your Content: A Guide for Entertainment Executives Using Demand Data with 'My Hero Academia' Analysis

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As an entertainment executive, demand data is vital for making informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. One show that exemplifies the value of such data is "My Hero Academia," which aired its first episode on April 3, 2016.

One way to use demand data is content valuation. With the Parrot Analytics content valuation system, executives can identify how much their content is worth based on its global audience demand, including the value of a specific title, the contribution of a title to a platform, and a title's ability to mitigate churn. For instance, with "My Hero Academia," executives can assess the show's value, market it globally, and build upon its spin-off potential, as franchisability, reach, longevity, travelability, and momentum were all rated exceptional, which are beneficial for content valuation.

Additionally, audience demand data also helps executives understand a show's performance relative to other titles in the market, make data-driven acquisition and distribution decisions, and improve subscriber retention and acquisition. For example, executives can notice that "My Hero Academia" ranks at the 99.6th percentile in the comedy genre in Australia and find that viewers who like "My Hero Academia" often like shows such as "Big Mouth," "Yellowstone," and "Attack on Titan," which can influence programming decisions and help retain audiences on their platforms.

Examining the show's demand data further, the executives can also identify the most popular markets globally, such as the US and Japan, with exceptional audience demand. By leveraging demand data to make informed content and acquisition decisions, executives can maximize the show's value and reach, optimize its global performance, and potentially drive subscriptions and revenue for their platforms. The data also highlights the show's recent demand performance, where although it peaked at 16.7x in the last 30 days, this is still the 99.6th percentile and decreased popularity is not yet a concern.

Demand data also informs marketing strategy and helps executives understand how the show is perceived by audiences. For instance, executives can discover how the show's marketing campaigns performed globally before the premiere and evaluate pre/post-premiere performance against other shows to determine the effectiveness of the show's advertising. They can also learn about the fans' demographics and the best talent and brand to partner with to attract and engage audiences.

In conclusion, executives need to leverage demand data to make informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. By understanding the audience's preferences, executives can create content that captivates them, increase subscriber acquisition and retention, and unlock the full value of their content. "My Hero Academia" is an excellent example of how demand data can help entertainment executives drive the growth of their platforms and networks.

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