
Using Demand Data to Make Informed Content Decisions: A Case Study of 'Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy'

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

As an entertainment executive, you are interested in acquiring or producing shows, and you want to make the most informed content decisions. Demand data powered by Parrot Analytics can help you evaluate show performance and viewership interest to guide your decisions. The Parrot Analytics content valuation system is designed to reveal the value and dollar contribution of any content to any platform in any region. In this context, "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy" serves as a case study to illustrate how demand data can help you make informed content decisions.

Content Valuation:
Using demand data, you can calculate the ROI of a specific TV show for any given platform. You can estimate the value of a content library to a platform over time, assess the value of exclusivity, and measure an entire market's demand for your title.

Looking at the demand data for "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy," the show's demand of 3.0 times the average over the last 30 days is good, indicating high viewer interest. This level of demand is only achieved by 8.6% of all TV shows, representing an exceptional level of success. Compared to its demand of 2.8 times the average over the last 90 days, demand for the show has been increasing recently. This increase in demand suggests that the show's popularity is continuing to rise, which could make it a valuable acquisition or production opportunity.

Content Acquisition:
Using demand data, you can decide which content to acquire, what IP will support global expansion, what type of content will be most popular, what genres resonate in each market.

By examining the top 10 global markets where "Stanley Tucci: Searching For Italy" is most in-demand, we find that this TV series outperforms the demand of the average TV show (1x) in each of these markets. In the United States, which is the show's number one market globally, the demand is good. The demand for the show in Australia is also good. This information can help with decision-making about potential acquisitions, local content production, and identifying other markets to target.

Using demand data, you can optimize your programming decisions by determining which shows to feature, how to schedule content releases, and how to market shows effectively.

The demand spike for "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy" in late February in Australia indicates that favorable programming decisions were made and suggests that further optimization of programming is necessary to maintain audience engagement. The show's increasing demand also suggests future programming opportunities and that the series could potentially have increased success with better scheduling or strategic promotional campaigns.

Using demand data, you can measure the effectiveness of pre- or post-premiere marketing campaigns to optimize the impact of your content promotions.

The show's increased demand during February indicates that the marketing campaign for the series was effective. The peak rank of #828 in Australia also suggests that the marketing campaign was successful in drawing a substantial number of viewers and that further optimization could result in even better audience engagement and new subscriber acquisitions.

Content Partnership:
Using demand data, you can optimize content partnerships by determining which brands or talent will help expand the audience and the benefit of spinoffs or franchises.

The popularity of "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy" suggests that it could have spinoff potential or inspire content partnerships between networks. Identifying fan-favorite talent or related brands could also optimize content partnerships and further drive viewer engagement.

In summary, demand data can provide valuable insights for entertainment executives making content decisions. For example, "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy," as a case study, demonstrates that assessing a show's level of demand, global travelability, momentum, longevity, franchisability, and reach can guide content decisions, acquisitions, distribution, and programming decisions.

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