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Parrot Analytics Insights - November 2023

As an entertainment executive, you are constantly faced with difficult questions, such as how much a series is worth, what is its value to a platform over time, and which titles have the potential to attract and retain subscribers. Fortunately, demand data can help you make more informed decisions in these areas. Based on our analysis of "The Sandman" for the month of November 2023 in Canada, here are some key insights into how demand data can be used to help guide your content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions:

1. Content valuation: Demand data can be used to determine the value of any content to a platform, on a global or regional level. For example, demand data can reveal the dollar value contribution of "The Sandman" to any platform in any region. In Canada, the demand for "The Sandman" is good, 6.2 times the audience demand of the average show over the last 30 days. This indicates the show has value for Canadian platforms looking to acquire content. Demand data can also reveal trends over time: the demand for "The Sandman" has been increasing recently, indicating its value may continue to rise.

2. Audience insights: By analyzing the audience for "The Sandman," we can gain a better understanding of viewer preferences and potential opportunities to acquire or produce similar content. For instance, our analysis shows that fans of "The Sandman" also like "Rick And Morty," "Stranger Things," and "The Witcher." This information can help guide acquisition decisions and inform creative development.

3. Competitive benchmarking: Comparing the performance of "The Sandman" to other titles on the market can help evaluate its relative value. For example, "The Sandman" ranks at the 97.9th percentile in the drama genre in November, which means it has higher demand than 97.9% of all drama titles in Canada. This information can be used to benchmark "The Sandman" against other drama titles, and can help inform programming decisions.

4. Distribution strategy: Demand data can inform the distribution strategy for "The Sandman." For instance, our analysis shows that the show has outstanding demand in Russia, the United States, and China. This information can be used to target specific markets for distribution, whether through streaming or traditional broadcast channels.

5. Marketing optimization: By examining demand trends for "The Sandman," we can gain insights into optimal marketing strategies that can help attract and retain subscribers. For instance, the demand for "The Sandman" spiked in late November 2023, indicating that marketing efforts during this period may have been particularly effective.

These are just a few ways that demand data can be used to make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions. By leveraging the insights provided by demand data, entertainment executives can make more data-driven decisions that can help drive value and growth for their organizations.

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