
Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How 'DC's Stargirl' Provides Strategic Insights for Entertainment Executives

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Parrot Analytics Insights - October 2023

As an entertainment executive, you are constantly looking for ways to make more informed content, acquisition, distribution, and programming decisions, and demand data can help you do that. Taking a closer look at the example of "DC's Stargirl" can offer valuable insights into how demand data can be used to make strategic decisions.

One way demand data can help is through content valuation. By using demand data to determine the amount of value a specific content title brings to your platform, it can help you make informed decisions about how much to spend on content and how exclusivity can play a role in content valuation. The exceptional audience demand for "DC's Stargirl" in Germany over the last 30 days, 9.9 times the audience demand of the average show, shows how valuable the title is in this market.

Demand data can also help with scalable concept testing, providing insights into what aspects of the content resonate with the audience the most. For example, while examining "DC's Stargirl," we found that fans of the show are also interested in other superhero and sci-fi titles such as "Loki", "Star Trek: Picard", and "The Mandalorian". This data can be used to determine which elements of existing content are most popular with the audience, allowing executives to optimize upcoming productions for success.

Demand data can also play a significant role in making informed acquisition decisions. By using Parrot Analytics' content valuation system, executives can find the dollar value contribution of any title to any platform in any region. By analyzing the demand data, you can use this system to determine how much content is worth to another streaming platform, allowing you to make informed acquisition-related decisions.

Further, demand data helps with subscriber retention and acquisition. By using demand to determine which titles are most popular with your current audience, executives can make informed decisions about which titles to acquire to keep their current audience happy. Additionally, by using demand data to understand which titles have increased popularity, executives can determine which titles to acquire to grow their audience.

Finally, Parrot Analytics' demand data can help executives with optimal release strategy and pricing. Detailed insights into the show's performance in various regions globally, including Germany, can help them determine the best release strategy for their content.

In conclusion, using Parrot Analytics' demand data about "DC's Stargirl" in Germany, executives can determine how much a title is worth, how popular it is compared to other shows, how to retain and acquire subscribers, and how to optimize their marketing campaign. It is a powerful tool that can be used to make informed strategic decisions that can shape the entertainment industry.

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