
Unlocking the Power of Demand Data: How TV Executives Can Make More Informed Content, Acquisition, Distribution, and Programming Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

Entertainment executives today are facing an increasingly complex and competitive landscape. As audiences continue to fragment across platforms, services and devices, execs must be able to make informed content, acquisition, distribution and programming decisions to attract audiences and stay relevant.

One powerful tool that can help executives make these decisions with confidence is demand data. By leveraging global audience demand data, executives can gain valuable insights into what audiences want, where they want it, and why they want it. In turn, demand data can inform decisions about content valuation, acquisition, development, distribution and marketing.

Take the case of "The Innocent (El Inocente)" in Spain during February 2024. According to our data, the show had a demand level 2.8 times the average TV show in Spain over the last 30 days, and only 8.6% of all TV shows had this level of demand. While this demand decreased by 40.3% in February in Spain, the overall trend is of increasing demand. This information already provides valuable insights for those interested in content valuation, acquisition and distribution, as it shows how much the content would be worth and how it is performing against others in the market.

By tracking the show's rank and percentile in its genre, we can also see how it compares to other titles in the same space. "The Innocent (El Inocente)" ranks at the 95.9th percentile in the drama genre in Spain during February 2024, indicating higher demand than 95.9% of all drama titles in Spain.

Audience affinity data can also be useful for TV programming decisions. In the case of "The Innocent (El Inocente)," fans of the show also like "Two And A Half Men", "The Americans", "Mr Inbetween", "Cobra Kai" and "Fargo", providing clues on what other shows might resonate with the same audience.

Demand data also provides valuable insights into how a show is performing globally. According to the Parrot Pulse, which measures six dimensions of global demand, "The Innocent (El Inocente)" has good worldwide audience demand and momentum, while its travelability and reach are okay. Additionally, its franchisability could be further explored to see if it is able to be spun-off successfully.

By examining the top 10 global markets where "The Innocent (El Inocente)" is most in-demand over the last 30 days, we found that this TV series outperforms the demand of the average TV show in each of these markets. Specifically, Russia is "The Innocent (El Inocente)"'s number one market globally, followed by China, Ukraine and Spain, indicating that these are markets to consider in future deals or licensing opportunities.

Finally, demand data can also provide valuable insights into a show's potential longevity. For instance, a comparison between the show's demand on a year-round basis and the last 30 days show that its demand has recently increased. This is critical information that can help executives determine whether or not to invest in a show for the long-term.

In conclusion, demand data is an essential tool that executives can leverage to make informed content, acquisition, distribution and programming decisions. By tracking audience demand levels, trends, and affinity, executives can quantify a show's value, optimize its distribution, and tailor their marketing messages to the right audiences, which in turn can help grow the business and bring in new subscribers.

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