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Parrot Analytics Insights - February 2024

If you are an executive at a TV network, streaming platform or content distributor, knowing the audience demand for a show like "Des Racines Et Des Ailes" can help you make more informed content acquisition decisions by enabling you to gain insights into the show's potential audience reach and appeal in various markets.

Based on the data provided, "Des Racines Et Des Ailes" has a demand that is 2.7 times greater than the average show in France over the last 30 days, which is good news for any French network, OTT or SVOD platform interested in this content. This high level of demand reflects the strong popularity of the series amongst the French audience. The demand has also been increasing recently, marking it as a show with an increasing trend line.

Similar to all other shows, "Des Racines Et Des Ailes" has been declining in the ranks and dropped in its rank by 113 spots during February in France. However, its demand is still greater than 97.2% of all documentary titles in France, placing it at the top of its genre. By analyzing the ratings and trends of this show, executives can gain a better understanding of how their programs perform in each genre and make programming decisions accordingly.

Additionally, executives can use the demand data for "Des Racines Et Des Ailes" to assess its global appeal and travelability, which is poor in this case, and make informed distribution decisions. They can also use demand insights to better understand which markets they should target for distributing the show and estimate the show's potential ROI in different regions.

Furthermore, executives can use the Parrot Pulse to assess this series' performance on a global scale, learn about its audience and the fans of the show beyond the home country, identify patterns and identify potential opportunities. Understanding the performance of "Des Racines Et Des Ailes" on a 1-year rolling basis compared to its performance over the last 30 days can also help executives to filter out the noise, focus on its current success and help forecast future demand more accurately.

In conclusion, audience demand data, as demonstrated by "Des Racines Et Des Ailes," can help television executives make more informed decisions about content acquisition, distribution and programing. By utilizing data insights executives can also assess the value of a title and quantify the platform-specific marginal revenue contribution, drive engagement, and estimate cannibalization of audiences if a title is available on multiple platforms all while basing the valuation system on global content demand and supply. Parrot Analytics uses a robust content valuation system powered by demand data that can help you make accurate and informed decisions about your content investments.

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