
Powering Data-Backed Decisions: How Demand Data for 'Oddbods' Can Help Entertainment Executives Make Informed Content, Acquisition and Programming Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - December 2023

As an entertainment executive, you are likely to want intelligence on where to focus your efforts and how to allocate your budget. In this respect, demand data, as shown in the analysis of "Oddbods", can provide key insights and help you make informed decisions.

One key area where demand data can be particularly helpful is in content valuation. It allows executives to calculate the ROI of a specific title and determine how much to spend on content. Parrot Analytics' content valuation system is based on demand data and can reveal the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. In the case of "Oddbods", demand for the show has been increasing, as it achieved a demand that is 4.9 times the average over the last 90 days, and 5.1 times the average over the last 30 days. With these figures, content valuation takes on new meaning.

Additionally, demand data can provide executives with the ability to make informed decisions around programming and content acquisition. In the case of "Oddbods", demand spiked in late December 2023, indicating that the show is in high demand during this period. By analyzing the top 10 global markets where the show is most in-demand, executives can understand the show's popularity in different countries, anticipate future success, and determine which territories to distribute the show in.

Demand data also enables executives to assess the value of exclusivity and optimize their release strategy and pricing. By looking at the Parrot Pulse for "Oddbods," where the show scored exceptionally on travelability and franchisability, executives can determine its spin-off potential and select content likely to resonate with an international audience. At the same time, executives can also examine the show's momentum, longevity, and reach, to assess its performance over time and whether or not it should be a priority on their platform.

Beyond that, demand data can also help in decisions about pre-release marketing and post-premiere growth. Executives can determine through the demand data how to optimize their marketing campaigns ahead of the premiere date, as well as assess the effectiveness of their post-premiere marketing efforts.

In conclusion, the demand data provided by Parrot Analytics highlights how "Oddbods" is a popular show in France and beyond. Further, it demonstrates the clear ability of demand data to provide valuable insights for decision making throughout the entertainment industry, be it content valuation or programming, distribution, or acquisition decisions. Ultimately, with the help of demand data, executives can make more informed, data-backed decisions and drive more significant value for their businesses.

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