
Analyzing 'Your Honor' in Italy: How Demand Data Helps Entertainment Executives Make Informed Content Decisions

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Parrot Analytics Insights - March 2024

As an entertainment executive looking to make informed content decisions, demand data can be a valuable tool for understanding audience engagement and potential growth opportunities. Looking at the case of "Your Honor" in Italy during March 2024, we can see how demand data provides insights that can help executives make strategic decisions.

Firstly, "Your Honor" has 3.5 times the audience demand of the average show in Italy, with demand increasing by 54.3% during the month. Furthermore, the show's peak rank of #407 indicates strong popularity. By comparing its rank and demand to other titles, entertainment executives can gain an idea of "Your Honor"'s relative value in the marketplace.

Looking at genre-specific performance, "Your Honor" ranks at the 97.5th percentile in the drama genre in Italy during March, indicating a higher level of demand than 97.5% of all drama titles in the region. This information could help executives identify specific audiences that are connecting with the show and explore potential cross-promotion or sponsorship opportunities.

Additionally, examining audiences' other preferences such as "The Last Of Us," "South Park," "For All Mankind," and other titles can help executives identify potential audience clusters and identify opportunities to promote cross-programming.

When comparing the show's performance over one year versus the last 30 days, demand data can highlight changes in popularity and engagement. In the case of "Your Honor," we can see that although its peak demand was 8.3 times the average over the course of the year, it peaked at 4.9 times the average in the last 30 days. It is necessary to assess whether this decline in popularity is a long-term trend or an anomaly to inform the decision-making process.

Furthermore, understanding where a show is most in-demand globally provides a better understanding of its international appeal, making distribution deals and acquisitions more informed decisions. In the case of "Your Honor," we see that it outperforms the demand of the average TV show in each of its top ten markets, with outstanding audience demand in the United States and France.

In conclusion, demand data helps inform content valuation by revealing the dollar value contribution of any title, to any platform, in any region. It enables entertainment executives to make informed distribution, programming, and acquisition decisions, assess popularity, track growth, and flag potential trends and other relevant insights to address any challenges or to optimize the content for maximum appeal. By using demand data, as seen in the example of "Your Honor," executives can stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing media landscape and ensure they make informed decisions that benefit the industry, stakeholders, and audiences.

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